Ongoing dissertation projects (supervisor in brackets)
Are you interested in doing a PhD at the Institute of Near Eastern Archaeology? Please see further information here.
Birgit A. Schmidt
Die zentralasiatischen Lehmskulpturen am Museum für Asiatische Kunst in Berlin. Untersuchungen zu den Materialien und Herstellungstechniken [D. Bonatz / M. Knaut, HTW Berlin]
Yixin Lu
Birds and travelers: the role of domestic birds in the cross-cultural contacts between the Achaemenid and the Indian worlds (ca. 600-300 BCE) [E. Roßberger und W. Henkelmann]
Laith Alshboul
A Reassessment of the Iron Age in the Northern Jordanian Plateau (1200 BC – 550 BC): A Typological, Chronological and Petrographic Analysis [D. Bonatz und E. Roßberger]
Margherita Carletti
Tell Afis and its Urban Landscape: A case-study for exploring social changes in the northern Levant during the Iron Age [D. Bonatz]
Ezel Günes
Archäologie der Zossener Sonderlager für muslimische Kriegsgefangene im Ersten Weltkrieg [R. Bernbeck und S.Pollock]
Antonia Höhne
Die Differenzierung eines umfangreichen Keramikkomplexes aus dem mittleren Euphrattal mithilfe der p-ED-RFA unter Einbeziehung technologischer Merkmale zur Rekonstruktion von Distributionssystemen früherer Gesellschaften [R. Bernbeck und A. Schönemann, HTW Berlin]
Silvana Hunger
Funktionale Raumanalyse anhand von Fundverteilungsmustern in Siedlungen anhand des Beispiels Sirkeli Höyük [M. Novák, Bern und E. Roßberger]
Enrica Inversi
A multidisciplinary approach to the study of clay figurines from Ur: manufacture, trends and uses between the Early Dynastic and the Middle Babylonian period [E. Roßberger, L. Verderame, Rom , A. Garcia-Ventura, Barcelona]
Viktoria Lanz
Studie zu mesopotamischen Räuchergefäßen des 2. und 1. Jts. v. Chr. - Vergleich zwischen ikonographischem und glyptischem Quellenmaterial und Originalfunden im Hinblick auf die Verwendung und Funktion dieser Objektgruppe [D. Bonatz]
Abdul Hafiz Latify
Afghanistan in the Bronze Age: investigating settlement patterns and raw material trade networks [R. Bernbeck and N. Boroffka, DAI]
Maryam Naeimi
Archaeological Interpretation of Absence: WWII, Polish Refugees in Iran and their Memory [R. Bernbeck]
Yaprak Kısmet Okur
The impact of the Phoenicians' westwards expansion on Neo-Assyrian Economy [D. Bonatz]
Nolwen Rol
Perspectives on Containment and Closure Technologies in the Highlands of Iran in the 4th and 3rd millennium BCE [S. Pollock]
Giulia Russo
Pottery making in early complex societies of Northern Mesopotamia: a case study of the late 6th /early 4th mill. BCE ceramics of the Balikh valley, northern Syria [S. Pollock and R. Bernbeck]
Fabian Sarga
The Political Ecology of Water: an Archaeology of the Qanāt Landscape in Varāmīn, Iran [R. Bernbeck and W. Bebermeier]
Valery Jessica Schlegel
Mortuary Archaeology and Identity. Communal and Individual Identity in Neo-Assyrian Funerary Cult and the Identities of the Nimrud Queens [D. Bonatz]
Batoul Sirees
The influence of the Syrian storm god on the representation of Jupiter Dolichenus in the Roman period [D. Bonatz]
Marina Weiss
Dance on Ancient Cyprus [D. Bonatz and S. G. Schmid, HU Berlin]
Daniele Zampierin
Past perception of time and past economy of long distance trade: The Indian Ocean and its globalizing network [D. Bonatz and M. van Aerde]