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Margherita Carletti

PhD candidate

Tell Afis and its Urban Landscape: A case-study for exploring social changes in the northern Levant during the Iron Age.

PhD abstract: The main aim of this research is to understand the social modifications occurring in the northern Levant during the Iron Age through the analysis of changes visible in the urban spaces. Since its long and complete Iron Age sequence, Tell Afis has been chosen as a key site: its urban development will be studied and used as a criteria to perform a comparative study of the urban development of all the remaining Iron Age sites set in the region. Furthermore, this project seeks to understand the site networks and connections with the neighboring centers. A GIS will be created to gather the result of this analysis and comparisons with all the other cities in order to point out differences and similarities in the structure of the so called Syro-Hittite city-states.

The research’s results will be both a comprehensive regional study on the Iron Age in the northern Levant, and an in-depth analysis on the Syro-Hittite towns in all their phases: starting from their re-organization after the 12th cent. BC, to their independent floruit, and until the Neo-Assyrian conquest.

The PhD project is supervised by Prof. Dr. Dominik Bonatz.

For further information, please check https://fu-berlin.academia.edu/MargheritaCarletti 

Curriculum Vitae

09/2019 – on going: Enrolled at PhD student Program at Frei Universität Berlin, topic of research:

“Tell Afis and its Urban Landscape: A case-study for exploring social changes in the northern Levant during the Iron Age.

Tutor: Prof.Dr. Dominik Bonatz (Freie Universität)


01/11/2017 – 31/05/2018: Erasmus+traineeship Program at Eastern Atlas GmbH & Ko. Kg (Berlin).


01/09/14 – 18/10/2017: Master in Near East Archaeology, University of Florence, Thesis: 'Alaca Höyük in the middle and late bronze age: a critical analysis of the archaeological evidence'.


03/2015 – 07/2015: Erasmus+ Program At Freie Universität Berlin Institut für Vorderasiatische Archäologie.


09/2010 – 14/04/14: Bachelor in History of Archeology, Fine Arts, Archives and Libraries

University of Florence,Thesis: From the tripartite to the bipartite: functional analysis of IV° and IX phases of Sin temple in Khafaja.


Excavations and Archaeological Works:


07/07/23 - 05/09/23 Excavations at Kınık Höyük (Niğde, Turkey) led by the University of Flornece under the the directorship of Prof. M. Pucci:

Trench supervisor and topographer of the excavation


14/09/22 - 03/10/22: 3D scan Survey at Amrit, Syria, project led by the University of Florence under the directorship of Prof. M. Pucci:

3D scan of the monuments at Amrit with laser scanner Leica RTC 360


27/07/22 – 13/09/22: Excavations at Kınık Höyük (Niğde, Turkey) led by the University of Flornece under the the directorship of Prof. M. Pucci:

Trench supervisor and topographer of the excavation


02/2019 – on going: Freelancer archaeologist cooperating with the company cmprospection, Berlin, doing geophysical prospection in archaeological excavations in several countries.


25/06/18 - 31/07/2018: Excavations at Tell Atchana (Hatay, Turkey); Excavation led by the Mustafa Kemal Universitesi under the directorship of Prof. A. Yener:

on site excavation


19/02/2017 - 02/03/2017 Tell Atchana, Mustafa Kemal Universitesi (Hatay, Turkey), excavation led by the Mustafa Kemal Universitesi under the directorship of Prof. A. Yener:

study and processing of pottery from the Iron Age levels of Tell Atchana


04/06/15 – 14/07/2017 Excavations at Uşakli Höyük (Yozgat, Turkey), excavation led by Università degli studi di Firenze under the directorship of Prof. S.Mazzoni.

on site excavation, topographical assistant.
