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Laufende Dissertationsprojekte [Betreuende in Klammern]

Birgit A. Schmidt

Die zentralasiatischen Lehmskulpturen am Museum für Asiatische Kunst in Berlin. Untersuchungen zu den Materialien und Herstellungstechniken [D. Bonatz / M. Knaut, HTW Berlin]

Yixin Lu

Birds and travelers: the role of domestic birds in the cross-cultural contacts between the Achaemenid and the Indian worlds (ca. 600-300 BCE) [E. Roßberger und W. Henkelmann]

Laith Alshboul

A Reassessment of the Iron Age in the Northern Jordanian Plateau (1200 BC – 550 BC): A Typological, Chronological and Petrographic Analysis [D. Bonatz und E. Roßberger]

Margherita Carletti

Tell Afis and its Urban Landscape: A case-study for exploring social changes in the northern Levant during the Iron Age [D. Bonatz]

Ezel Günes 

Archäologie der Zossener Sonderlager für muslimische Kriegsgefangene im Ersten Weltkrieg [R. Bernbeck und S.Pollock]

Antonia Höhne

Die Differenzierung eines umfangreichen Keramikkomplexes aus dem mittleren Euphrattal mithilfe der p-ED-RFA unter Einbeziehung technologischer Merkmale zur Rekonstruktion von Distributionssystemen früherer Gesellschaften [R. Bernbeck und A. Schönemann, HTW Berlin] 

Silvana Hunger 

Funktionale Raumanalyse anhand von Fundverteilungsmustern in Siedlungen anhand des Beispiels Sirkeli Höyük [M. Novák, Bern und E. Roßberger]

Enrica Inversi

A multidisciplinary approach to the study of clay figurines from Ur: manufacture, trends and uses between the Early Dynastic and the Middle Babylonian period [E. Roßberger, L. Verderame, Rom , A. Garcia-Ventura, Barcelona]

Viktoria Lanz

Studie zu mesopotamischen Räuchergefäßen des 2. und 1. Jts. v. Chr. - Vergleich zwischen ikonographischem und glyptischem Quellenmaterial und Originalfunden im Hinblick auf die Verwendung und Funktion dieser Objektgruppe [D. Bonatz]

Abdul Hafiz Latify 

Afghanistan in the Bronze Age: investigating settlement patterns and raw material trade networks [R. Bernbeck and N. Boroffka, DAI]

Maryam Naeimi 

Archaeological Interpretation of Absence: WWII, Polish Refugees in Iran and their Memory [R. Bernbeck]

Yaprak Kısmet Okur

The impact of the Phoenicians' westwards expansion on Neo-Assyrian Economy [D. Bonatz]

Nolwen Rol

Perspectives on Containment and Closure Technologies in the Highlands of Iran in the 4th and 3rd millennium BCE [S. Pollock]

Giulia Russo

Pottery making in early complex societies of Northern Mesopotamia: a case study of the late 6th /early 4th mill. BCE ceramics of the Balikh valley, northern Syria [S. Pollock and R. Bernbeck]

Fabian Sarga

The Political Ecology of Water: an Archaeology of the Qanāt Landscape in Varāmīn, Iran [R. Bernbeck and W. Bebermeier]

Valery Jessica Schlegel

Mortuary Archaeology and Identity. Communal and Individual Identity in Neo-Assyrian Funerary Cult and the Identities of the Nimrud Queens [D. Bonatz]

Batoul Sirees

The influence of the Syrian storm god on the representation of Jupiter Dolichenus in the Roman period [D. Bonatz]

Marina Weiss

Dance on Ancient Cyprus [D. Bonatz and S. G. Schmid, HU Berlin]

Daniele Zampierin

Past perception of time and past economy of long distance trade: The Indian Ocean and its globalizing network [D. Bonatz and M. van Aerde]
