The path to a Master’s degree: Guidelines for students in the 3rd and 4th semester
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Thematic Overview:
Ready for the Master thesis (MA thesis)?Have you already made good progress in your studies and are planning to write your MA thesis soon? If so, we have compiled a few tipps& hints for you here.
- Use the study and examination regulations applicable to you to check whether you fulfill the admission requirements for the MA thesis; these are usually regulary in section 9 of the study and examination regulation. In many cases, these are specific modules or credits in the core subject.
- Consider a topic that you regard as suitable and easy to work on in the given time. You have the right to make suggestions; however, the final topic will be issued by the examination board.
- Find examiners: you need two; the first examiner is also your supervisor; please not that these person must also be authorized to take examinations (see notes on examination authorization at the department); you can also find out which constellations (if applicable also with external persons) are possible on the above-mentioned website.
- If necessary, look for examiners for the oral examination
- Complete the application for registration for the MA thesis and have it signed by the examiners or, if possible, digitally signed; do not forget your signature/digital signature!
6. Submit the complete application by FU-Mail* to the examination office; the examiners must be in copy of the email (“cc’d”).
*In case of exmatriculation also possible from private address (including transmission of a photo ID as a scan).
7. Application processing by the examination office; processing time approx. 4-6 weeks (possibly shorter or longer)
8. Receipt of the letter of admission by e-mail (please always check the FU address or, if you have exmatriculated, send your private e-mail address immediately) with notification of the submission deadline; you will also find the processing deadline in your study and examination regulations.
9. Deadline extension needed? You can find information on this in the FAQs.
10. Submit the MA thesis (until 23:59 at the latest on the deadline) as a PDF (incl. declaration of independence) by e-mail to the examination office by the deadline; if applicable, incl. application for graduation.
11. MA thesis will be forwarded by the examination office to the examiners who have 6 weeks for the evaluation; you will receive a short confirmation of this, including when your evaluations are expected.
No assessment visible yet? The examination office will also let you know in the email when you can enquire about the status of the assessments.
12. Once the assessments have been received by the examination office, they are entered in Campus Management.
13. (you may now be admitted to the oral examination)
14. Assessments are available; are entered in CampusManagement and the module „Thesis“ is completed.
15. Failed? Then you will receive a message from the examination office about the procedure for registering for therepeat attempt which should be made within 3 months.
Ready for graduation?You have successfully completed all the required modules in all parts of the degree program? Then it is time now to submit you application for graduation to the examination office.
1. Please check whether you have completed all the required coursework to graduate. You can find out what these are in the study and examination regulations. The application for graduation can also be submitted if you have not received all assessments yet, but have already completed/submitted all coursework and examinations. If the BA thesis is your last piece of work, it is best to submit the application directly to the examination office when you submit your BA thesis.
2. Submit the application for graduation by FU-mail* tothe examination office. *In case of exmatriculation also possible from private address (including transmission of a photo ID as a scan). The application should be submitted no later than 4 weeks after the last coursework has been completed, otherwise your graduation date will change.
3. Provided that all your achievements and assessments are available, you will receive a preliminary certificate of graduation by email quite quickly. If there are still pending achievements for graduation, you will also be informed of this by email from the examination office.
4. Your degree documents will now be created; this can take around 4-6 weeks (from receipt of the preliminary certificate). You can find out which documents you will receive in the FAQs.
5. The degree documents will then be sent to you by registered mail; please inform the examination office immediately of any changes of address.
And now exmatriculation?
If you do not intend to take up further studies at the FU, please submit a separate application for de-registration to the Student Records and Registration Office. Information on withdrawal can be found here.
As a general rule, the exmatriculation will then be effective at the end of the current semester; however, you can also be exmatriculated to the exact day if you wish.
Plans for a PhD?Helpful information can be found here.