The following events are held in English. All events of the department can be found here.
Heike Frick on "Socially Engaged Art in China / East Asia" (MAGEA Lecture Series)
Location: Holzlaube, Fabeckstrasse 23-25 Room 2.2058
VORLESUNG: Kites against Walls: The Israeli Separation Wall in Palestinian Children's Literature — Looay Wattad
im Rahmen von Die Vielfalt Palästinas – eine kulturelle Zeitreise Eine interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung der Wissenschaftlichen Einheit Westasien, Nordafrika und Diaspora am Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften der Freien Universität Berlin Vortrag in englischer Sprache
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Thielallee 67, Hörsaal 002, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem
VORLESUNG: Water the Willow Tree: Memoirs of a Bethlehem Boyhood — George Kiraz
im Rahmen von Die Vielfalt Palästinas – eine kulturelle Zeitreise Eine interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung der Wissenschaftlichen Einheit Westasien, Nordafrika und Diaspora am Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften der Freien Universität Berlin
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Thielallee 67, Hörsaal 002, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem
Dr. Guy Ackermann (Genf / Berlin): Education and sports on the island of Delos. New insights into the history of the Gymnasium and Lake Palestra
Location: Raum -1.2009 in der Fabeckstr. 23-25, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem
On Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27th: screening of the documentary film "Back in Berlin"
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Thielallee 67 Lecture hall
Panel Discussion "How Plague became Globally Visualised - Mapping as Method in Modern Western Medicine"
Location: Akademiegebäude am Gendarmenmarkt Einstein-Saal Jägerstraße 22/23, 10117 Berlin
Sabrina Habich-Sobiegalla on "Infrastructures of Control and Service: The CCP and Grassroots Governance in Beijing" (MAGEA Lecture Series)
Location: Holzlaube, Fabeckstrasse 23-25 Room 2.2058
BCCN Talk "Youth Movements in Asia, Past and Present: The Transnational Side of the Story" by Jeffrey Wasserstrom
Location: Holzlaube, Fabeckstrasse 23-25 Room 0.2001
From maritime trade to Roman pharmacy: a case study of the cassia subspecies of Dioscorides
Location: Koserstr. 20 Room A 336
Christian Meyer on "CHINA'S RELIGION(S) IN PAST AND PRESENT" (MAGEA Lecture Series)
Location: Holzlaube, Fabeckstrasse 23-25 Room 2.2058
VORLESUNG: Palestinian Female Poets: Voicing the Silence — Izza Abu Hajja
im Rahmen von Die Vielfalt Palästinas – eine kulturelle Zeitreise Eine interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung der Wissenschaftlichen Einheit Westasien, Nordafrika und Diaspora am Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften der Freien Universität Berlin Vortrag in englischer Sprache
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Thielallee 67, Hörsaal 002, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem
Ines Eben v. Racknitz on "Current Research Trends and New Paradigms in Chinese History in the Age of Xi Jinping" (MAGEA Lecture Series)
Location: Holzlaube, Fabeckstrasse 23-25 Room 2.2058
The location of Nysa before Alexander the Great
Location: Online
GEAS Homecoming Symposium 2024
Location: 12-14 PM: 0.1063 Holzlaube, Fabeckstr. 23-25 14-17 PM: Lecture Hall, Neuberg Villa (Graduate School House), Hittorfstr. 18
Counting the years: Ptolemy and the Table of Kings
Location: Room 006/007 Hittorfstr. 18 14195 Berlin
INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP: Anthologies Across Cultures: Textual Methods – Aesthetic Practices – Temporal Entanglements
Organised by Anne Eusterschulte and Beatrice Gründler, project Premodern Anthologies and the Selective Fiction of Tradition Building , Research Area 3: "Future Perfect" at EXC 2020 - Temporal Communities
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Freie Universität Berlin EXC 2020 "Temporal Communities" Room 00.05 Otto-von-Simson-Straße 15, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem Online participation is possible via Cisco Webex. You will receive the meeting link after registration. For registration please contact: Hanan Natour,
Introduction to Digital Research Methods — M. Xenia Kudela
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, FB Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften, Arabistik Fabeckstraße 23/25, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem Room: UG, -1.1062 (Holzlaube / Souterrain)
Colloquium for Contemporary History: Juliette Masquelier (University of Antwerp) on "Catholic Couples and Their Counsellors. Prescribing and Achieving ‘Sexual Harmony’ in Belgium in the 1950s"
Location: Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut | Raum A.336
KEYNOTE: Arabic Lingua Franca and Popular Philosophy — Beatrice Gruendler
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Faculty of History and Cultural Studies Institute of Islamic Studies Fabeckstraße 23/25, 14105 Berlin-Dahlem Recording and upload of all conference sessions on YouTube.
Rethinking Korea beyond Borders: Interregional Historical Perspectives through Korean-European Scholarship
Location: Seminar Room Otto-von-Simson-Straße 11, 14195 Berlin
Lecture Prof. Alexandre Caeiro (Hamad Bin Khalifa University): "Beyond Legal Orientalism: Notes from the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf States"
Location: Room 2.2058 (Holzlaube, 2nd floor) Freie Universität Berlin Fachbereich Geschichts- u. Kulturwissenschaften Institut für Islamwissenschaft Prof. Dr. Schirin Amir-Moazami Fabeckstr. 23-25 14195 Berlin
The Ritual Landscapes of Murayghat, an Early Bronze Age site in Jordan
Location: Room 1.2051 "Holzlaube" FU Berlin Fabeckstr. 23-25, 14195 Berlin
Book Presentation: "Making Islam Work" by Thilj Sunier
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Fachbereich Geschichts- u. Kulturwissenschaften Institut für Islamwissenschaft Prof. Dr. Schirin Amir-Moazami Fabeckstr. 23-25 14195 Berlin Raum 1.2051
Tianxia or Empire? The Entanglement of China in Global East Asia
Location: Holzlaube Fabeckstraße 23-25 Room 1.2058
Environmental Politics in Contemporary China
Location: Holzlaube Fabeckstraße 23-25 Room 1.2058
Gender in China
Location: Holzlaube Fabeckstraße 23-25 Room 1.2058
Just a tool? On Language competence requirements in academic programs of Chinese Studies
Location: Holzlaube Fabeckstraße 23-25 Room 1.2058
China's Religion(s) in Past and Present
Location: Holzlaube Fabeckstraße 23-25 Room 1.2058
Human-Animal Relations within the Japanese Empire
Location: Holzlaube Fabeckstraße 23-25 Room 1.2058
The Future of Welfare and Japan’s Ageing Society in Comparative Perspective
Location: Holzlaube Fabeckstraße 23-25 Room 1.2058
East Asian Diplomatic and Legal History from a Global Perspective
Location: Holzlaube Fabeckstraße 23-25 Room 1.2058
Religious Nationalism or the Narrative of Jesus Christ Dying in Japan
Location: Holzlaube Fabeckstraße 23-25 Room 1.2058
Japan’s Rural Areas: Urban-Rural Migration and Rural Revitalization
Location: Holzlaube Fabeckstraße 23-25 Room 1.2058
North Korea
Location: Holzlaube Fabeckstraße 23-25 Room 1.2058
Writing a History of Korean Philosophy
Location: Holzlaube Fabeckstraße 23-25 Room 1.2058
Gender Studies and the Politics of Knowledge Production: The Experience of a Korean Case
Location: Holzlaube Fabeckstraße 23-25 Room 1.2058
Korea and Europe
Location: Holzlaube Fabeckstraße 23-25 Room 1.2058
Korea and Europe
Location: Holzlaube Fabeckstraße 23-25 Room 1.2058
Internationaler Workshop: Benin’s art history from Dahomey to present
Location: Freie Universität Fabeckstraße 23–25 14195 Berlin Raum 2.2058
Kolloquium "The Older Parthenon on the Acropolis of Athens: a monument of oriental despotism?"
Kolloquium mit Janric von Rookhuijzen (Universität Utrecht) zum Thema "The Older Parthenon on the Acropolis of Athens: A monument of oriental despotism?"
Location: KFG 2615 Fabeckstr. 15 14195 Berlin
Shusenjo - The Main Battleground of the Comfort Women Issue (2018, Director: Miki Dezaki)
Joint Film Screening with the University of Tokyo
Location: Institut für Koreastudien Otto-von-Simson-Str. 11 14195 Berlin
Workshop on “China-US Trade Conflict and Its Impact on Germany and EU”
Location: Fabeckstr. 23-25 14195 Berlin Room: 2.2058
Contemporary Challenges to Gender Studies in Germany and Turkey
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 45 Room L 113 (“Seminarzentrum”)
Vortrag "Women, Islam and the Law in India: The Question of Divorce" (Prof. Sylvia Vatuk, University of Illinois at Chicago)
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Holzlaube Raum 1.2052 Fabeckstr. 23-25 14195 Berlin
Prof Dr Moon Chung-in (Special Adviser to President Moon Jae-in) - The Korean Peninsula Peace Process: Opportunities, Challenges, and Prospects
IKS Special Lecture Series WiSe 2019/20: Korea-Europe Programme
Location: Institut für Koreastudien Otto-von-Simson-Str. 11 14195 Berlin
Panel with Prof. Genia Kostka: How do citizens perceive facial recognition technology across the globe?
Location: Hertie School Forum, 1st floor
Vortrag von Chenxi Tang: Chinese World Order, 1900/2000
Location: Fabeckstr. 23-25 ("Holzlaube"), Room 2.2051
Vortrag von Emily Graf: China and Global Health: A Critical Reading of Can Xue’s Recent Novel Barefoot Doctor 赤脚医生 (2019)
Location: Fabeckstr. 23-25 ("Holzlaube"), Room 2.2051
Gastvortrag Dr. Susanne Görke (Universität Mainz) – "Hurritischer Einfluss in Anatolien und Syrien in neuem Licht"
Location: Raum 2.2058 (2. OG) Fabeckstr. 23/25 14195 Berlin
Vortrag von Regina Kanyu Wang: The Globalized Chinese Science Fiction
Location: Fabeckstr. 23-25 ("Holzlaube"), Room 2.2051
Tomoki Kitazumi – "Mehrsprachigkeit im hethitischen Reich"
Location: Raum 2.2058 (2. OG) Fabeckstr. 23/25 14195 Berlin
Vortrag von Felix Wemheuer: Great Achievements, Big Failures: How to Evaluate the Social Changes of the Mao Era
Location: Fabeckstr. 23-25 ("Holzlaube"), Room 2.2051
Dr. Irene Sibbing-Plantholt – "The Time of Our Lives: Concepts of Human Life Time in Ancient Mesopotamia"
Location: Raum 2.2058 (2. OG) Fabeckstr. 23/25 14195 Berlin
Dr. Federico Manuelli – "Monuments and Territoriality in Iron Age Anatolia: The Case of Malatya and Elbistan Plains"
Location: Raum 2.2058 (2. OG) Fabeckstr. 23/25 14195 Berlin
Vera Mackie (UOW): Reproduction and Rights - Globalisation and Assisted Reproduction
Location: Holzlaube 2.2051 Freie Universität Berlin Fabeckstraße 23-25 14195 Berlin
Marie Meyerding (FU Berlin): The Representation of Women in South African Photography
Location: Kunsthistorisches Institut der FU Berlin Koserstraße 20 A 124
GEAS Homecoming Symposium
Location: Montag, K18 and Tuesday, 1.36 Japanese Studies Freie Universität Berlin Hittorfstr. 18 (Neubau) 14159 Berlin
Public History in Transnational Asia
2019 Genko Workshop
Location: Institut für Koreastudien Otto-von-Simson-Str. 11 14195 Berlin
Vortrag von Julia Marinaccio: Governing China by Training: How the party-state tries to avoid the symbolic-operational paradox
Location: Fabeckstr. 23-25 ("Holzlaube"), 2.2051
Vortrag von Laike Yang: Global Value Chain, Trade and CO2 Emissions in China
Location: Fabeckstr. 23-25 ("Holzlaube"), 2.2051
Dr. Nick Kraus – "Word List Z and the Early Dynastic Lexical Tradition"
Location: Raum 2.2058 (2. OG) Fabeckstr. 23/25 14195 Berlin
Vortrag von Zhiyi Yang: 'Night Onboard’: On the Mnemonic and Historiographical Poetry
Location: Fabeckstraße 23-25 ("Holzlaube"), Room 2.2051
Dr. Marta Pallavidini – "How Did They Think? Conceptual Metaphors in Hittite Culture"
Location: Raum 2.2058 (2. OG) Fabeckstr. 23/25 14195 Berlin
Emotional Attachment to Machines: New Ways of Relationship-Building in Japan
Location: Henry-Ford-Bau Hörsaal B Garystraße 35 Berlin
Guest lecture: Transforming Universities Towards Gender Equality
Location: Fabeckstr. 23-25, 14195 Berlin Raum 1.2052
Book Launch Panel: "Performing Turkishness: Theatre and Politics in Turkey and its Diasporas"
Panel Discussion on a special issue of Comparative Drama with Hülya Adak, R. Ertuğ Altınay, Elizabeth Bradburn, Murat Cankara, Ela Gezen, İlker Hepkaner and Emine Fişek.
Location: Fabeckstr. 23-25, 14195 Berlin Raum 2.2058
Pearl S. Buck and Korean Culture - Special Lecture by Prof. Chongko Choi
Location: Institut für Koreastudien Otto-von-Simson-Str. 11 14195 Berlin
Vortrag: Marginalization through Participation: Governmentality, Power and Agency in China’s Dam Resettlement
Location: Neubau "Holzlaube", Room 2.2051
Vortrag: Making Sense of Climate Change: Frontier Communities in China's Impacted Areas
Location: Neubau "Holzlaube", Room 1.1062
Gastvortrag Danilo Marino: "Ethics, Wealth and Social Ambition: The Arabic Notion of Murūʾa in Medieval Islam."
Location: Holzlaube Fabeckstr. 23-25 Seminarraum 1.2052 (Erdgeschoss, Fahrstuhl) 14195 Berlin
Guest lecture: Queer Archives and the Politics of Historiography in Turkey
Location: Fabeckstr. 23-25, 14195 Berlin Raum 1.2052
Prof. Dr. G. Zólyomi – "The so-called "Reform-Texts" of Urukagina: What's wrong with making the "side" "follow" the ruler's household and fields?"
Location: Room -1.2057 Fabeckstr. 23/25 14195 Berlin
Vortrag "Introduction to the study of Arabic medical manuscripts" (Dr. Ayman Yasin Atat)
Location: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Potsdamer Straße 33 Treffpunkt: Foyer, 14:25 Uhr
Vortrag: Scientific Warfare in Modern China
Location: Neubau "Holzlaube", Room 2.2051
Dr. M. Bonechi – "On Ebla 3: Prequel. Or: she came in through the Ancient Near Eastern bathroom window."
Location: Raum -1.2057 Fabeckstr. 23/25 14195 Berlin
Diskussionsrunde@KI: A New Chinese Culture Coming into Being: Confucianism, Marxism, Liberalism?
Location: Konfuzius-Institut an der FU Berlin
Vortrag: Lu Xun: A History of his Institutionalization in the PRC
Location: Neubau "Holzlaube", 1.1062
Workshop: Jewish and Muslim Entangled Histories in Arabia, Yemen and the Indian Ocean (Islam Dayeh)
Location: 1.2052
Aristotle’s Poetics Close Reading Workshop
Location: 2.2051
Job Prospects for Graduates of Japanese Studies: Seminar “ Work in Japan: Jobs and Internship Opportunities”
Location: Fabeckstraße 23-25 Holzlaube, Raum 2.2058 14195 Berlin