Procurement of IuK/"IT" devices and software
On this page we would like to familiarize you with the procedures for the procurement of IuK devices (IT devices such as computers/PCs, notebooks, printers, accessories).
General notes
The procurement process for ICT articles, e.g. PCs, monitors, laptops, but also IT accessories such as USB sticks and toner cartridges, is generally carried out via the central procurement system UNIKAT.
Procurement via UNIKAT is handled by the respective secretariats of a work area; technical questions on the use of UNIKAT are answered by the budget team at
For specific problems with an order process, the ZUV clearing office can also help you.
The general principle is that the institutes carry out their IT procurements on their own initiative, taking into account any specific instructions from the administrative management and IT support.
If you have any questions, especially regarding computer equipment, please contact the IT support at for assistance.
Certain items require a so-called "specialist release" by IT support; this process is completely automatic and transparent within UNIKAT.
IUK equipment is categorized in UNIKAT; the overarching product group code is product group 30 "IT, TC and DL", i.e. information, communication and media technology and IT services, and includes computers, photographic technology, telecommunications and IT software.
Special procurements or alternative procurement procedures always require prior approval!
Guidelines for the procurement of I&C articles
Please also refer to the general information provided by the ZUV/Central Purchasing department.
- When procuring I&C equipment, specifications of the FBV must be observed; in particular regarding warranty options and performance parameters of the hardware components. These are regularly announced by the IT Officer.
At the moment, the addition of the formerly mandatory 5-year warranty extension is no longer necessary, but is possible at your own request. In the case of very expensive devices, however, please inquire with the IT representative in individual cases.
- Office printers have been delisted from UNIKAT and can no longer be procured.
The ZUV provides the use of multifunction printers in the FollowMe operating procedure as a basic concept at the FU Berlin. Information can be found here:
The MFP devices are available to all employees (with personnel number in the SAP system) in central multifunction rooms in all properties of the department.
In justified special cases, office printers of the Ricoh model range can be obtained in a leasing procedure. Please contact Central Purchasing directly if you are interested.
- Apple products such as Macbooks, iMacs and accessories can be obtained from the "External Webshop" in UNIKAT; currently from Rednet. Please also note here the current minimum requirements for the specialist release regarding RAM and hard disk capacity.
From now on the purchase of mobile terminals of the manufacturer Apple (iPhones) is possible exclusively via the external webshop of the company REDNET in UniKat.
- All phones except Apple iphones are ordered directly from UNIKAT main catalog. With the search string "Cisco phone" you get the selection display of the office phones incl. accessories; with the search string "cell phone" you get the selection display of all Samsung Galaxy and other devices. Likewise, the telephone contracts and SIM cards are also purchased exclusively through UNIKAT.
The mobile contract runs for 24 months when booked and can be cancelled at the earliest 3 months before expiration. Otherwise, it is always automatically extended by 12 months. Only "Business flex" framework contracts are offered. These have a very wide range of services at a moderate price. The partner here is Deutsche Telekom. For detailed inquiries please contact ZEDAT TK-Service:
- Please order software licenses - as far as listed so far - also at UNIKAT. Some software articles can still only be ordered by free text order. The supplier is always ZEDAT Software-Service, which acts as an intermediary! Please address your request for quotation directly to Please manage and keep your licenses. Information about available software can also be found here:
- Please order items that require an IT specialist release to a special delivery address:
Freie Universität Berlin
FB GeschKult/ IT-Support
Room: 1.0065
Fabeckstr. 23-25
14195 BerlinThis applies to all properties of the department, i.e. even if you should be located at Koserstrasse 20. If a procurement transaction is sent to IT Support for departmental approval and it does not have the correct delivery address, IT Support will reject the procurement and the transaction will go back to you for correction. The FBV budget posts the goods receipt for these items; no further action is required on your part. IT support delivers these devices to you ready prepared and puts them into operation. All other (accessory) items as well as consumables can be sent directly to your institute's delivery address and can also be booked yourself.
- You will receive inventory stickers for almost all equipment you procure with a value of goods of 150€ or more directly from Asset Accounting, II B 12. Please manage your inventory records at your work area/institute.
Certain computer models are already inventoried centrally - here, this step is omitted for you and no FUB inventory sticker will be sent to you!