Information on the disposal of old equipment
On this page, we hope to familiarise you with the procedure for the disposal/scrapping of old electrical equipment (inc. ICT equipment). Disposal is generally carried out in various stages:
- You let us know that ICT equipment (e.g. computers, notebooks, screens, printers…) is defective or no longer used. We check whether it is economically worth repairing the equipment and if applicable whether further use elsewhere in the department of Freie Universität seems feasible.
- If no further use seems feasible or sensible or the repair would be uneconomical, you use this form to apply to dispose of the equipment through the department management.
- As soon as the disposal approval is received by I C 14, you agree with us either on the collection of the equipment to be disposed of (for small quantities) or on special disposal (for larger quantities, collection then directly on site) through technical department III 42 using this form.
If you have any queries about the procedure, we are happy to help.