Univ.-Prof. Dr. J. Cale Johnson
Professor for the History of Knowledge in the Ancient World, Director
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Mathieu Ossendrijver
Professor for the History of Science in the Ancient Near East
Principal Investigator (PI) ERC Advanced Grant ZODIAC
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anuj Misra
Professor of the History of Science and the History of Knowledge
Research Group Leader of the Max Planck Research Group "Astral Sciences in Trans-Regional Asia" (ASTRA)
Dr. Marvin F. Schreiber
Postdoctoral Researcher ERC Advanced Grant ZODIAC
Assyriology; Babylonian Astrology
Dr. Michael W. Zellmann-Rohrer
Postdoctoral Researcher ERC Advanced Grant ZODIAC
Papyrology; Classical Philology; Semitic Philology
Dr. Maria Teresa Renzi-Sepe
Project manager, DFG project "The planets in Mesopotamian culture"
Kierán Meinhardt
Student Assistant ZODIAC Project, Prof. Ossendrijver
Former Staff Members
Dr. Néhémie Strupler
Postdoctoral Researcher
Digital Humanities, Archaeology, Anatolian & Caucasian Bronze Age
Dr. Andreas Winkler
Deputy Principal Investigator ERC Advanced Grant ZODIAC until 6/2024. Since 7/2024 tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Egyptology at the University of Toronto
Benjamin Scheel
Student Assistent, Prof. Johnson