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Univ.-Prof. Dr. J. Cale Johnson

Professor for the History of Knowledge in the Ancient World, Director

+49 30 838 69923


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Mathieu Ossendrijver

Professor for the History of Science in the Ancient Near East

Principal Investigator (PI) ERC Advanced Grant ZODIAC

+49 30 838 69883


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anuj Misra

Professor of the History of Science and the History of Knowledge

Research Group Leader of the Max Planck Research Group "Astral Sciences in Trans-Regional Asia" (ASTRA)

+49 03 838 59046

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Dr. Marvin F. Schreiber

Postdoctoral Researcher ERC Advanced Grant ZODIAC

Assyriology; Babylonian Astrology

+49 30 838 62723


Alessia Pilloni

Predoc ERC Advanced Grant ZODIAC

Assyriology; Babylonian Astronomy

+49 30 838 57436


Thomas Peeters

Predoc ERC Advanced Grant ZODIAC

Classical Philology, Mathematics, Astronomy

+49 30 838 59861

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Dr. Michael W. Zellmann-Rohrer

Postdoctoral Researcher ERC Advanced Grant ZODIAC

Papyrology; Classical Philology; Semitic Philology

+49 03 838 71723

Dr. Christian D. Casey

Postdoctoral Researcher ERC Advanced Grant ZODIAC


+49 03 838 72824


Dr. Maria Teresa Renzi-Sepe

Project manager, DFG project "The planets in Mesopotamian culture"

+49 30 838 53081

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Kierán Meinhardt

Student Assistant ZODIAC Project, Prof. Ossendrijver

+49 30 838 58118


Tanja Hidde

Office History of Knowledge in the Ancient World

+49 30 838 55256


Former Staff Members

Dr. Néhémie Strupler

Postdoctoral Researcher

Digital Humanities, Archaeology, Anatolian & Caucasian Bronze Age


Dr. Andreas Winkler

Deputy Principal Investigator ERC Advanced Grant ZODIAC until 6/2024. Since 7/2024 tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Egyptology at the University of Toronto

+49 30 838 62049


Benjamin Scheel

Student Assistent, Prof. Johnson

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