Dr. Andreas Winkler

Deputy Principal Investigator ERC Advanced Grant ZODIAC until 6/2024. Since 7/2024 tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Egyptology at the University of Toronto
Room 112
14195 Berlin
I am an Egyptologist focusing on philology and history, in particular of the Graeco-Roman period, although I work on all periods of Egyptian history, from the Old Kingdom to Late Antiquity. Among other topics, I am interested in the history of knowledge and specifically the astral sciences. My research considers the Egyptian temple as a seat of learning and how, for instance, the priests made use of their astral knowledge in different spheres. I am also interested in the social and economic roles of temples and priests. Further areas of specialisation include ancient Egyptian religion, magic, and medicine. In addition to astral science and the socio-economic history, I work on the edition of Egyptian texts of various kinds, primarily in Demotic and Coptic, which shed light on different aspects of Egyptian society and culture.
In the project ZODIAC - Ancient Astral Science in Transformation, I concentrate on aspects of zodiacal science in Egypt, dealing with both astronomical and astrological materials. I look at how astral knowledge materialized itself in different sources, and how the introduction of the zodiac influenced Egyptian astronomy and changed the divinatory landscape of the Nile Valley and neighbouring areas. I am particularly interested in questions of adaptation and transfer of knowledge in different spheres of society.
Publications: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3903-342X
Academia: https://fu-berlin.academia.edu/AndreasWinkler
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andreas-Winkler-16