Dr. Marvin F. Schreiber

Postdoctoral Researcher ERC Advanced Grant ZODIAC
Assyriology; Babylonian Astrology
Room 106
14195 Berlin
Marvin Schreiber is an Assyriologist and historian of ancient sciences (PhD) with research interests in Babylonian astral science (especially astrology), Omnia, medicine, magic, and ancient sciences in general. One focus of this research is the context and interaction of Babylonian astrology with other forms of knowledge of its time, as well as its relationships to various sectors of society and neighboring cultural areas.
Currently, Marvin Schreiber is employed as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the ERC project "ZODIAC - Ancient Astral Science in Transformation". As part of the project, he is involved in the edition and study of the text corpus of late Babylonian astrology, as well as contributing to the glossary of ancient zodiacal astrology.