Dr. Grace Jeongyeon Park

Postdoctoral Researcher
Room 008
14195 Berlin
Office hours
Friday, 12:00-1.30
Grace Park received her BA in Chinese Language and Literature from Yonsei University (Seoul, Korea), MA in The Bible and the Ancient Near East at Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Rothberg International School), and PhD in Hebrew Bible and Northwest Semitics at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Before she started to work as a lecturer/researcher (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin) at the Department of Semitics at Freie Universität Berlin in 2020, she taught at the University of the Free State, South Africa, as a senior lecturer (2014-2017) and worked as a research fellow for Babylonian Medicine Project (BabMed) at Freie Universität Berlin (2017-2018). She also taught at the Department of Theology and Religion, University of Birmingham, UK, as a teaching fellow (2018-2020).
Summer 2024
Winter 2023/24
Summer 2023
- Exploring ancient Near Eastern culture through poetry and metaphor (with J. Cale Johnson)
- Jüdisches Alt- und Mittelaramäisch
Winter 2022/23
- Semitic Philology
- Aramaic Linguistics and Dialectology
- Comparative Semitics
Summer 2022
- Biblical Aramaic
- Semitische Philologie
- Northwest Semitic World
Winter 2021/22
- Vergleichende Semitistik
- (Lk) Semitische Philologie
Summer 2021
- Hebräisch als semitische Sprache
- (Lk) Semitische Philologie
Winter 2020/21
- (MÜ) Introductory Course on Ugaritic
- (VS) Northwest Semitic Inscriptions
- Biblical Hebrew and Norhwest Semitic Languages
- Hebrew Bible
- Language typology and comparative Semitic philology
- Writing in the ancient Near East
- Ugaritic rituals and incantations
- Park, Grace J. 2023. Focus Construction with kî ’im in Biblical Hebrew. Linguistic Studies in Ancient West Semitic series. Eisenbrauns: University Park, PA.
- Park, Grace J. 2017. “Rhetorical Question in Ruth 1:17b.” Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages 43(1): 87–103.
- Park, Grace J. 2016. “Stand-Alone Nominalizations Formed with ’ăšer and kî in Biblical Hebrew.” Journal of Semitic Studies LXI/1 Spring: 41–65.
- Park, Grace J. 2015. “’ăšer from Light Noun to Nominalizer: Towards a Broader Typology of Clausal Nominalization in Biblical Hebrew.” Hebrew Studies 56: 23–48.
- Park, Grace J. 2013. “Polar ’im in Oaths and the Question of Literacy in Lachish 3.” Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 125(3): 463–478.
- Park, Grace J. 2007. “El’s Member in KTU 1.23. Ugarit-Forschungen 39: 617–627.
- Park, Grace J. 2008. Review of Gordon Hamilton’s The Origin of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts, CBQMS 40, 2006. Hebrew Studies 49: 317–319.
- Park, Grace J. 2006. Korean translation of William Schniedewind’s How the Bible Became a Book (Cambridge, 2004), Eco-Livre, Seoul.