TALK: Reading and Ruling. Ibn al-Muqaffaʿ’s Arabic Preface to Kalīla and Dimna and Its Use in Other Translations (8th-15th century) – Johannes Stephan
Reading Cross-Culturally: Transfer, Adaptation, and Reciprocity across Medieval European Narrative Cultures.
*KALIMAT EVENT* TALK: Presentation of the KALiMaT project, by J. Stephan
Hybrid participation, presentation in English. Séminaire "Islamologie et humanités numériques", Université de Strasbourg
Location: Hybrid participation
For all events since project start, visit yearly event archives
For all events since project start, visit yearly event archives here.
TALK: To Render Fables Poetic: On the sources of Qāni‘ī Ṭūsī’s Versification of Kalīla and Dimna — Theodore S. Beers
Premodern Islamicate World Series, Kevorkian Center, New York University
Location: Dept. of New Eastern Studies, Hagop Kevorkian Center, NYU online participation via ZOOM; 12.30pm local time/18:30pm MET
*KALIMAT EVENT* MESA PANEL: Arabic Literary Terms – Changing Semantics between the Classical Period and Modernity, convened by J. Stephan
Panel at MESA 2024 Annual Meeting (hybrid participation)
Location: MESA - Middle East Studies Organisation. Hybrid participation upon registration. Friday, November 15, at 17:30h CET (i.e. 11:30h local US time).
TALK: “Tell me a parable about kings and their assistants”. Political Allegories and Statecraft in Kalīla wa-Dimna. — Isabel Toral
Stories to Connect: Stories and History in the Islamicate World . A workshop in honour of Robert Irwin; Corpus Christi College, Oxford. 27 September 2024.
TALK The King of the Mice — B. Gruendler, Kh. Khalfallah
GLOBAL FABLES, online workshop University of Kent
Location: Online workshop. Registration and link:
TALK: Mind your table-manners! Social etiquette and disgusting food consumption in adab literature — Isabel Toral
UEAI-Panel: Senses and Perception in the Premodern Islamic World
Location: 31st Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants (UEAI 31), 9-14 September 2024. Granada, Spain
TALK: The Textual Tradition of Kalīla and Dimna: Impulses and Differences — Beatrice Gruendler
31st Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants (UEAI 31) Granada, 9-14 September 2024
Location: 31st Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants (UEAI 31), 9-14 September 2024. Granada, Spain
TALK The Muslim and Christian Arabic Versions of the Buddha Legend and its Trans-Religious Reception History — Isabel Toral
Textual Transmission in the Islamic Manuscript Age. On the Variance, Reception, and Usage of Arabic and Persian Works from the Middle East to the Indian Subcontinent. Convenors: Ph. Bockholt, Univ. Münster and Yul Kanda, Univ. Tokyo. Panel 3: Transmission of Religious Texts.
Location: Der Vortrag findet in Präsenz statt. Universität Münster Institut für Arabistik und Islamwissenschaft:
TALK: An Arabic “Book” That Moves: Kalīla and Dimna — Beatrice Gruendler
"From Practices to Things: First Books in the Ancient World" , conference convened by the International Center for the Study of Ancient Text Cultures, Renmin University of China, Suzhou campus, August 28–29, 2024
Location: in person presentation, Suzhou, China
TALK: Elusive Justice: Rewriting the Chapter of ‘Dimna’s Trial’ in Kalīla and Dimna — Beatrice Gruendler
Fourteenth Biennial Iranian Studies Conference, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City
Location: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Mexico City, Mexico
TALK: Reassessing the Sources of Qāni‘ī Ṭūsī’s Versification of Kalīla and Dimna (ca. 658/1260) — Theodore S. Beers
Fourteenth Biennial Iranian Studies Conference, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City
Location: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Mexico City, Mexico
WORKSHOP: Jackals/Foxes at Court – French, Arabic, Persian
Three-hour workshop, hybdrid (attendance in presence or online)
Location: Department of History and Cultural Studies, Arabic Studies. "Holzlaube", Fabeckstrasse 23/25, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem. Room 1.1062 (first floor, central corridor)
VORTRAG: Die "Nabatäische Landwirtschaft" (Bagdad, 10. Jh.) und andere Pseudoübersetzungen: Was sie uns zu Übersetzungen sagen — Isabel Toral
Der verschobene Termin aus Januar 2024 wird jetzt nachgeholt. Institut für Arabistik und Islamwissenschaft Universität Münster
Location: Der Vortrag findet in Präsenz statt. Universität Münster Institut für Arabistik und Islamwissenschaft:
TALK: Ghosts in the Archive: Recordings of North African Prisoners of War (1916-18), by Taoufik Ben Amor
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Faculty of History and Cultural Studies, Seminar of Semitic and Arabic Studies. "Holzlaube" building, Fabeckstr. 23/l25, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem. Room: 1.1062
Wissenschaftsdiplomatie – Was kann Universität in Zeiten von sich verschärfenden Konflikten leisten? Prof. Dr. H. Wendt, Univ. Graz
Vortrag mit anschließender kritischer Diskussion
Location: Raum -1.2009 (Großer Hörsaal) FB Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften, Arabistik. Holzlaube, Fabeckstraße 23/25, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem
TALK The Manuscript Corpus of the Majmaʿ al-Gharāʾib: A Case Study in Textual Transmission — Guglielmo Zucconi
Research colloquium Beatrice Gruendler
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Seminar for Semitic and Arabic Studies Fabeckstraße 23/25, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem Room –1.1062 (souterrain), or remote participation via WebEx.
TALK Arabische Fürstentümer im Spannungsfeld zwischen Rom und Iran: Ein Fall von Konfliktmanagement? — Isabel Toral
STREIT UND GEWALT - Öffentliche Ringvorlesung der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen und Niedersächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen
Location: August-Wilhelm-Universität Göttingen Aula am Wilhelmsplatz und per Videomitschnitt/Mediathek
DJHP WORKSHOP: Chrysopoetic Recipes and Chemical Theory in Medieval Greek and Arabic Texts, convened by L. Rau and A.M. Roberts
DJHP - Dahlem Junior Host Program 2024
Location: Institut für Wissensgeschichte des Altertums Arnimallee 10, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem in person participation
TALK Chrysopoetic Hermeneutics in Byzantium and the Islamic World and Their Place in the History of Chemistry - Alexandre M. Roberts
Keynote of the first CEREAE annual conference 2024, hybrid
Location: Hybrid participation, registration fee 15 Australian Dollars.
TALK: Manuscript Sources for the Early Modern Orientalist Reception of Kalīla wa-Dimna — Paul M. Babinski
Research colloquium Beatrice Gruendler
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Seminar for Semitic and Arabic Studies Fabeckstraße 23/25, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem Room –1.1062 (souterrain), or remote participation via WebEx.
CHRYSOPOETICS: The Commentary of Olympiodoros the Alchemist: A Puzzle to be Assembled. by Cristina Viano, CNRS/Sorbonne, Paris (prequel)
CHRYSOPOETICS: Workshop with the Dahlem Junior Host Program, convened by Leonie Rau and Alexandre Roberts
Location: Institut für Wissensgeschichte des Altertums Arnimallee 10, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem in person and hybrid participation via WebEx
TALK Das Maß des Ungesagten. Die klassische Qaside — Beatrice Gründler
Ruhm. Transformationen eines antiken Ideals in der Literatur und Kultur des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit. Tagung LMU München, 11.-13. April 2024.
Location: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Veranstaltung in Präsenz.
TALK Kalīla wa-Dimna: Book or Textual Tradition? (lecture in two parts) — B. Gruendler, Kh. Khalfallah
CONFERENCE: Emerging Book Cultures in Asia and the Middle East: Materiality, Paratexts, Practices. University of Colorado, Boulder/Texas, USA
Location: in person presentation, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder/Texas
TALK: LLM‐Enhanced Software Development for Overcoming the Multi‐Decade Digital Disruption of (Arabic) Textual Scholarship – Th. S. Beers & M. Kozae
Institute for Advanced Study Princeton, workshop "Scholarly Editions of Right-to-Left script Texts"
Location: Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, hybrid participation.
TALK: Versions of “Dimna’s Trial” in Kalīla and Dimna as a spectrum of legal and ethical positions — Beatrice Gruendler
American Oriental Society, AOS annual conference 2024, Chicago.
Location: in person presentation, AOS annual conference 2024, Chicago.
TALK: Owls and Crows in Naṣr Allāh Munshī’s Kalīla and Dimna, by Theodore S. Beers
Location: AAS 2024 annual conference, Seattle, Wisconsin/USA Sessions scheduled to take place March 14-17 2024, Seattle Convention Center and Sheraton Grand Seattle Hotel.
TALK: The Political Fairytale: Little Red Riding Hood in Palestine, by Loaay Wattad
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Fabeckstraße 23/25, Dahlem Room -1.1062 (souterrain), or remote participation via WebEx.
TALK: Al-Jildaki, the Hierotechnical Tradition, and the Rhetoric of a Chemical Commentary, by Alexandre M. Roberts
Dr. Alexandre M. Roberts gives a talk on Nihāyat al-ṭalab fī sharḥ al-Muktasab , a commentary on a single, concise treatise on gold-making, by the fourteenth-century scholar ʿIzz al-Dīn Aydamir ibn ʿAlī ibn Aydamir al-Jildakī.
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Fabeckstraße 23/25, Dahlem Room -1.1062 (souterrain), or remote participation via WebEx.
TALK: The Poetry of Arab Women in the Modern Era — a prosodical inquiry into the reasons WHY?, by Maysoon Shibi
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Seminar für Semitistik und Arabistik, Fabeckstraße 23/25, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem Room -1.1062 (souterrain), or remote participation via WebEx.
TALK: An Adīb and His Poet of Choice: Naṣr Allāh Munshī’s (fl. ca. 540/1145–6) Quotations of Sanāʾī Ghaznavī (d. ca. 525/1131), by Theodore S. Beers
Location: Hybrid event, please see flyer for registration link
NEUER TERMIN / VORTRAG: Die "Nabatäische Landwirtschaft" (Bagdad, 10. Jh.) und andere Pseudoübersetzungen: Was sie uns zu Übersetzungen sagen — Isabel Toral
Der Termin ist verschoben auf voraussichtlich Sommersemester 2024. Wintervortragsreihe, Institut für Arabistik und Islamwissenschaft Universität Münster
Location: Der Vortrag findet in Präsenz statt. Universität Münster Institut für Arabistik und Islamwissenschaft:
+++CtG EVENT+++ ROUND TABLE: Book Objects at the Crossroads of Bibliography and Philology
Location: online event, see flyer for registration link
TALK: Al-Fārābī’s Kitāb al-šiʿr. Preliminary remarks on the Arabic text and its Hebrew translation — M. Zarantonello and V. Chamourgiotaki
Research Colloquium – ALC/AnonymClassic
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Fabeckstraße 23/25, Dahlem Room -1.1063 (souterrain), or remote participation via WebEx.
RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM Prof. Dr. Beatrice Gründler und Team
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Fabeckstraße 23/25, Dahlem Room -1.1062 (souterrain), or remote participation via WebEx.
TALK: What Was Fictionality in Arabic? Answers from Ibn Sīnā, Ibn Rushd, and Ibn Ṭumlūs — Johannes Stephan
MLA 2024 convention, Philadelphia
Location: in person presentation, MLA convention 2024, Philadelphia.
+++CtG event+++ DIGITAL HUMANITIES at Arabic Studies: Two new DH projects funded by BUA and DFG
Prof. Dr. Beatrice Gründler cordially invites to join her team for the presentation of the latest Digital Humanities projects at Arabic Studies, Freie Universität Berlin.
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Fabeckstraße 23/25, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem. Remote participation via WebEx, or in person, room 1.1062 (Holzlaube 1st floor).
TALK: Espías y estrategias militares en el mundo islámico medieval, by Isabel Toral
Location: ILC Madrid und online-Teilnahme
TALK: Kitāb Bilawhar wa-Būḏāsaf and Early Arabic Book Printing: Ms. 1633 of the Hamdani Collection Revisited, by Kirill Dmitriev
Dr. Kirill Dmitriev of the Department of Arabic and Persian, University of St Andrews, discusses his work on the book of Bilawhar wa-Būḏāsaf and early Arabic book printing with project partners, students and the Arabic Studies research team.
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Fabeckstraße 23/25, Dahlem Room -1.1063 (souterrain), or remote participation via WebEx.
TALK: Kitāb Bilawhar wa-Būḏāsaf and Early Arabic Book Printing: Ms. 1633 of the Hamdani Collection Revisited, by Kirill Dmitriev
Dr. Kirill Dmitriev of the Department of Arabic and Persian, University of St Andrews, discusses his work on the book of Bilawhar wa-Būḏāsaf and early Arabic book printing with project partners, students and the Arabic Studies research team.
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Fabeckstraße 23/25, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem Room -1.1063 (souterrain), or remote participation via WebEx.
TALK: Arabic Anthologists' Discussion of Persian Poets, by Theodore S. Beers
WORKSHOP: Collecting, Fragmenting, Recomposing – Anthologies as textual processes. convened by RA3 „Future Perfect“, EXC 2020 Temporal Communities – Doing Literature in a Global Perspective.
Location: Temporal Communities – Doing Literature in a Global Perspective. Otto-von-Simson-Straße 15, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem Konferenzraum 00.05 WebEx link:
TALK: Überlegungen zu einer anthologischen Epistemologie in der klassischen arabischen Literatur, by Johannes Stephan
WORKSHOP: Collecting, Fragmenting, Recomposing – Anthologies as textual processes. convened by RA3 „Future Perfect“, EXC 2020 Temporal Communities – Doing Literature in a Global Perspective.
Location: Temporal Communities – Doing Literature in a Global Perspective. Otto-von-Simson-Straße 15, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem Konferenzraum 00.05 WebEx link:
WORKSHOP: Collecting, Fragmenting, Recomposing – Anthologies as textual processes
Research Project: Premodern Anthologies and the Selective Fictions of Tradition Building, RA3 „Future Perfect“, EXC 2020 Temporal Communities – Doing Literature in a Global Perspective.
Location: Temporal Communities – Doing Literature in a Global Perspective. Otto-von-Simson-Straße 15, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem Konferenzraum 00.05 WebEx link:
TALK: Anthologizing Kalīla wa-Dimna: The Incipit of the First Risāla, by Khouloud Khalfallah
WORKSHOP: Collecting, Fragmenting, Recomposing – Anthologies as textual processes. convened by RA3 „Future Perfect“, EXC 2020 Temporal Communities – Doing Literature in a Global Perspective.
Location: Temporal Communities – Doing Literature in a Global Perspective. Otto-von-Simson-Straße 15, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem Konferenzraum 00.05 WebEx link:
TALK: Ibn Diḥya as Disseminator of Andalusi Literature and Adab — Isabel Toral
Conference "Remembering al-Andalus and the Maghrib in the Mashriq," Escuela des Estudios Arabes, CSIC, Granada
TALK: Las traducciones de Calila y Dimna, by Isabel Toral
Escuela de Traductores de Toledo (Toledo School of Translators), University of Castilla-La Mancha (CCLM), Granada, Spain
Location: Escuela de Traductores de Toledo, Plaza de Sta. Isabel, 5 (Salón de actos)
TALK: Byzantine Chemistry: Natural Philosophy and Textual Tradition in the Greek Alchemical Corpus — Alexandre Roberts
“Byzanz in Mainz und Frankfurt” lecture series, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Location: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz
TALK: The 'Ali ibn al-Shah Preface to Kalīla and Dimna between Persian and Arabic, by Theodore S. Beers
MESA / Middle East Studies Association, Montreal 2023: In Honor of Franklin Lewis II: Persian and Other Literatures: Multilingualism and Translation.
Location: Montreal, Canada
TALK: The Rhetorical Aims of the Chemical Commentaries by al-Jildaki and the Anonymous Philosopher — Alexandre Roberts
Vortrag im Rahmen von Ästhetik der Naturdidaktik , Universität Tübingen.
Location: Institut für Orient- und Islamwissenschaft, Universität Tübingen
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Fabeckstraße 23/25, Dahlem Room -1.1062 (souterrain), or remote participation via WebEx.
WORKSHOP: Dimitri Gutas zur arabischen Weisheitsliteratur
Location: FB Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften, Seminar für Semitistik und Arabistik "Holzlaube", Raum 1.1062 (1. OG) Fabeckstraße 23/25, 14195 Berlin
WORKSHOP: Dimitri Gutas zur arabischen Weisheitsliteratur
Location: FB Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften, Seminar für Semitistik und Arabistik "Holzlaube", Raum 1.1062 (1. OG) Fabeckstraße 23/25, 14195 Berlin
COLLOQUIUM Kalīla and Dimna – ALC/AnonymClassic
Research Colloquium Kalīla and Dimna – ALC/AnonymClassic
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Fabeckstraße 23/25, Dahlem Room -1.1062 (souterrain), or remote participation via WebEx.
TUTORING Scholarly Writing – Beatrice Gruendler and Jan J. van Ginkel
Focus Junior Researchers
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Fabeckstraße 23/25, Room -1.0063 (souterrain)
Academic Summer Break
From August 1, 2023 until September 13, 2023
Location: During the summer break, colloquium and tutorium are paused. The first session day is Thursday, September 14, 2023.
VORTRAG: The Sasanians and the Arabs. History of a long and intense relationship, Isabel Toral
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Workshop: Ausdrucksformen des Imperiums. Indirekte Herrschaft im Sāsānidischen Commonwealth
Location: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Institut für Altertumswissenschaften, Raumangabe siehe online.
BUCHVORSTELLUNG: Beatrice Gründler und Ibrahim Alfraih auf der arabischen Buchmesse des Divan in Berlin
Location: Der Divan – Das Arabische Kulturhaus Schützallee 27-29, 14169 Berlin-Zehlendorf Rückfragen an:
TALK Redacting Copyists and Enriching Translators: Creativity in the ‘KD-Field’ by Beatrice Gruendler
Institut national d'historie d'art (INHA), Paris; Workshop Entre Orient et Occident: voyages iconographiques des fables animalières de Kalila et Dimna.
Location: Institut national d’histoire de l’art, Galerie Colbert, salle Walter Benjamin 2, rue Vivienne ou 6, rue des Petits-Champs 75002 Paris
SOIREE: WORTE, SPRACHEN, TEXTE – the Ring Dove revisited, with B. Gruendler and team
In cooperation with the Spanish Embassy in Germany, and Mendelssohn Gesellschaft e.V., Berlin.
Location: Mendelssohn-Remise, Jägerstraße 51, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
Worte, Sprachen, Texte: arabische und jüdische Überlieferungsschichten & Geschichten im spanischen Dialog der Kulturen
Gemeinsam veranstaltet von der Abteilung für Kultur und Wissenschaft der Botschaft von Spanien in Deutschland und dem Seminar für Semitistik und Arabistik der Freien Universität Berlin, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Mendelssohn Gesellschaft e.V.
Location: Mendelssohn-Remise, Jägerstraße 51, 10117 Berlin-Mitte
Arabistik auf der Langen N8 der Wissenschaften 2023
Sense and Sensibility: Erzählen auf Arabisch.
Location: HOLZLAUBE Freie Universität Berlin, Fabeckstraße 23/25, Berlin-Dahlem Raum 2.2058
TUTORING Scholarly Writing – Beatrice Gruendler and Jan J. van Ginkel
Focus Junior Researchers
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Fabeckstraße 23/25, Room -1.0063 (souterrain)
TALK Alexander in der Texttradition von Kalila und Dimna, Beatrice Gruendler
Offener Hörsaal: " Unterseeboote, Flugmaschinen und nackte Philosophen: Das Nachleben Alexanders des Großen zwischen Macht und Märchen "
Location: In person: Freie Universität Berlin, Hörsaal 2, "Rostlaube", Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin Online: Access livestream via the link in the program on the homepage.
VORTRAG Alexander in der Texttradition von Kalila und Dimna, Beatrice Gründler
Offener Hörsaal: " Unterseeboote, Flugmaschinen und nackte Philosophen: Das Nachleben Alexanders des Großen zwischen Macht und Märchen "
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Hörsaal 2, "Rostlaube", Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin; für Livestream und Mediathek siehe Homepage
WORKSHOP The Fable in Premodern Arabic 'Popular' Tradition, by U. Marzolph, Göttingen
Workshop within the research project Kalīla and Dimna – ALC/AnonymClassic
Location: Kleine Fächer/"Holzlaube" , Fabeckstraße 23/25, R.-1.1062 (souterrain)
TALK Persian Tales, Then and Now, by Pegah Khadish
Research Colloquium Kalīla and Dimna – ALC/AnonymClassic
TALK Träume: Imaginiertes Herrschaftswissen, by Rebecca Sauer, Zürich, and Beatrice Gruendler
Dahlem Humanities Center lecture series Offener Hörsaal: Was kommt? Projekte, Renaissancen, Latenzen.
Location: In person: Freie Universität Berlin, Hörsaal 1b, "Rostlaube", Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin Online: Access livestream via the link in the program on the DHC page.
TALK Träume: Imaginiertes Herrschaftswissen, by Rebecca Sauer, Zürich, and Beatrice Gruendler
Dahlem Humanities Center lecture series Offener Hörsaal: Was kommt? Projekte, Renaissancen, Latenzen.
Location: In person: Freie Universität Berlin, Hörsaal 1b, "Rostlaube", Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin Online: Access livestream via the link in the program on the DHC page.
TALK Scriptio buddhica, interpretatio islamica – Buddhist Sūtras Translated in Rašīd al-Dīn's Ǧāmiʿ al-Tawārīḫ by Chia-Wei LIN
Chia Wei LIN from Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Lehrstuhl für Indogermanistik, shares her research with the Berlin team in the Research Colloquium, "Kalīla and Dimna – ALC/AnonymClassic."
COLLOQUIUM Scholarly Text Editing – Mahmoud Kozae
Focus Digital Humanities
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Fabeckstraße 23/25, Room -1.0053 (souterrain) or remote participation via WebEx.
COLLOQUIUM Kalīla and Dimna – ALC/AnonymClassic
Research Colloquium Kalīla and Dimna – ALC/AnonymClassic
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Fabeckstraße 23/25, Dahlem Room -1.1062 (souterrain), or remote participation via WebEx.
COLLOQUIUM/WORKSHOP Discussing Codicology in Kalīla and Dimna
Research Colloquium Kalīla and Dimna – ALC/AnonymClassic
TALK Calila e Dimna and Alfonso the Wise, by Ulrike Becker, Bonn
Research Colloquium Kalīla and Dimna – AnonymClassic
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Fabeckstraße 23/25, Room 1.1062, or remote participation via WebEx.
MOSUL 2023: Report on an Extraordinary Journey – Images and Impressions
Location: Freie Universität Berlin "Holzlaube", Kleine Fächer Fabeckstraße 23/25, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem Room 1.1062 (meeting room 1st floor) For hybrid participation please use our WebEx Link: No registration is required.
TALK On the History of Arabic Narrative, by Said Yaktine, Rabat
Research Colloquium Kalīla and Dimna – ALC/AnonymClassic
CSI'S MONDAY MAJLIS: "Prosimetrum in Naṣr Allāh Munshī’s Kalīla and Dimna" — Theodore Beers
The CSI Monday Majlis is a Monday evening, online event, where invited speakers present on aspects of their current research.
Location: Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter (Online)
CSI'S MONDAY MAJLIS: "Kalīla and Dimna and the Anthological Epistemology of adab" — Johannes Stephan
The CSI Monday Majlis is a Monday evening, online event, where invited speakers present on aspects of their current research.
Location: Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter (Online)
CSI'S MONDAY MAJLIS: "Miscarriage of Justice and Dissenting Re(d)actions in Kalīla wa-Dimna" — Beatrice Gründler
The CSI Monday Majlis is a Monday evening, online event, where invited speakers present on aspects of their current research.
Location: Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter (Online)
TALK The Anonymous Anthologist, by Beatrice Gruendler
Leiden University (hybrid).
CONFERENCE: Wisdom literature in the Islamicate Middle Ages
The conference is organized on the occasion of the bestowing of an honorary doctorate in Oriental Manuscript Studies on AnonymClassic PI, Prof. Dr. Beatrice Gruendler.
Location: Gravesteen (Room), Pieterskerkhof 6, 2311 SR Leiden
"Wisdom between Practice and Philosophy in 'Kalila and Dimna'" — Beatrice Gründler
AnonymClassic PI, Prof. Dr. Beatrice Gründler presents a paper entitled "Wisdom between Practice and Philosophy in 'Kalila and Dimna'" in the "Early Science in Conversation" seminar at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science .
Location: SR 215, MPIWG, Boltzmannstr. 22 (Hybrid)
TALK Seriality, Plot Similarity, and Transmission History. A Textstatistical Approach to the Analysis of the German Sieben Weise Meister – Nico Kunkel
Research Colloquium Kalīla and Dimna – ALC/AnonymClassic
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Fabeckstraße 23/25, Room 1.1062, or remote participation via WebEx.
COLLOQUIUM: Scholarly Text Editing – Mahmoud Kozae
Focus Digital Humanities
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Fabeckstraße 23/25, Room -1.0053 (souterrain) or remote participation via WebEx.
TALK Opportunist or Subversive: Women’s “Wiles” vs. “Agency” in Ottoman Prose Fiction – N. İpek Hüner Cora
Research Colloquium Kalīla and Dimna – AnonymClassic
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Fabeckstraße 23/25, Room 1.1062, or remote participation via WebEx.
TALK: El género en la tradición del Barlaam — Isabel Toral
AnonymClassic Deputy PI, Prof. Dr. Isabel Toral, will be speaking on Barlaam and Josaphat , in the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales del CSIC , Madrid.
Location: Sala Julián Ribera 1 C, Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales del CSIC, Madrid.
COLLOQUIUM: Scholarly Text Editing – Mahmoud Kozae
Focus Digital Humanities
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Fabeckstraße 23/25, Room -1.0053 (souterrain) or remote participation via WebEx.
TALK Parody, Reverence, and Anti-Parody in the Maqāmāt Genre — Devin Stewart (Emory University)
Research Colloquium Kalīla and Dimna – AnonymClassic
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Seminarzentrum, R. L115 Otto-von-Simson-Straße 26-28, 14195 Berlin Hybrid option available, registration via email
TALK What Is ‘Rhymed Prose’ in Arabic and How Does It Work?: An Introduction to Saj` — Devin Stewart (Emory University)
A guest lecture to be offered to the students of the "Arabic Rhetoric and Poetics" (Prof. Dr. Beatrice Gründler) and "Mirrors of Princes and Wisdom Literature" (Prof. Dr. Isabel Toral) seminars.
Location: Fabeckstraße 23/25, Holzlaube, Room 1.2001
PRESENTATION Eine uneigentliche Anthologie: Kalila und Dimna als philosophisches Hausbuch – Beatrice Gruendler
Keynote/Abendvortrag, Universität Innsbruck
Location: Universität Innsbruck, Österreich
TALK Four (or Five?) Translations of Stephanites and Ichnelates — Marc Lauxtermann (University of Oxford)
Research Colloquium Kalīla and Dimna – AnonymClassic
Location: WebEx Online Meeting, registration via email
WORKSHOP (DJHP): Premodern Literary Exchange between Arabic and Persian — Theodore Beers
For his Dahlem Junior Host Project, Theodore Beers invited three scholars to Freie Universität Berlin for a week of discussions and collaborative research on the topic of premodern literary exchange between Persian and Arabic. The workshop is to be streamed via WebEx.
Location: Room 2.2051, Holzlaube, Fabeckstraße 23/25, 14195 Berlin
CSI'S MONDAY MAJLIS: Baghdad: Insights into a city (seven centuries) and the making of a book (eleven years) — Isabel Toral and Jens Scheiner
The CSI Monday Majlis is a Monday evening, online event, where invited speakers present on aspects of their current research.
Location: Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter (Online)
PRESENTATION: Collecting copies. Types and arrangement – Beatrice Gruendler, Khouloud Khalfallah and Oualid EL Khattabi
Annual “Codicology of Arabic Manuscripts and Critical Edition Publishing” workshop at the Rawafed Center for Studying and Researching the Civilization of the Maghreb and the Heritage of Mediterranean, Fez, Morocco.
Location: Fez, Morocco
PRESENTATION: How Kalīla and Dimna ended up in the Latin West? – Jan J. van Ginkel
"Fable between East and West" — An International conference convened by Prof. Caterina Mordeglia in University of Trento, Italy.
Location: Università di Trento, Italy
PANEL DISCUSSION: Is Arabic Literature a World Literature? — Beatrice Gründler
In the 2022 Riyadh International Book Fair , AnonymClassic PI, Prof. Dr. Beatrice Gründler, participates in a panel discussion entitled "Is Arabic Literature a World Literature?".
Location: Riyadh International Book Fair
TALK: OpenITI-SHARIAsource Experts Workshop — Theodore Beers
In September 29th-30th, 2022, Theodore S. Beers gives a talk on on digital infrastructure in the AnonymClassic project in the Open Islamicate Texts Initiative (OpenITI) workshop convened by OpenITI AOCP and SHARIAsource projects principal investigators, Sarah Bowen Savant, Maxim Romanov, and Intisar Rabb, at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Location: OpenITI, Univ. of Maryland
PUBLIC EVENT: Transcultural Philological Encounters — A Public Dialogue
This public event is part of the Transtemporal Philologies workshop, organized, between September 22 and 24, by Anne Eusterschulte (FU Berlin; EXC 2020) and Glenn W. Most (Max Planck Institute Berlin/Committee on Social Thought Chicago; EXC 2020).
Location: Philosophical Institute, Habelschwerdter Allee 30, 14195 Berlin, Seminar Room 1
WORKSHOP: “How to think concepts from the global south?”— Johannes Stephan & Mahmoud Al-Zayed
In the framework of the BUA ( RePLITO ), AnonymClassic Research Fellow, Johannes Stephan, is co-organizing, with Mahmoud Al-Zayed , a workshop entitled “How to think concepts from the global south?” The workshop is hosting Dilip Menon , a historian of India from the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (RSA), who has recently published a volume titled Changing Theory: Thinking Concepts from the Global South .
Location: Room 1.1062, Fabeckstraße 23-25
TALK: The Incipits in Manuscripts of Kalīla wa-Dimna (13th-19th Centuries) — Beatrice Gründler
At a symposium convened in honor of Prof. Etan Kohlberg , AnonymClassic PI, Prof. Dr. Beatrice Gründler, is giving a talk on the incipits found in the manuscript tradition of Kalīla wa-Dimna.
Location: Online
PRESENTATION (DOT): Digital humanities, or tools for digital humanists? — Theodore Beers
As part of the Digital Humanities panel, "Digital Workflows at Multiple Levels: Insights from the AnonymClassic Project," organized in the framework of the 100th anniversary of the Deutsche Orientalistentag (DOT), AnonymClassic team member, Theodore Beers, is giving a presentation entitled "Digital humanities, or tools for digital humanists? "
Location: Room Singapore (L113), Freie Universität Berlin
PRESENTATION (DOT): A Preview Edition of Selected Textual Variants in Manuscripts of Kalīla and Dimna — Marwa M. Ahmed
As part of the Digital Humanities panel, "Digital Workflows at Multiple Levels: Insights from the AnonymClassic Project," organized in the framework of the 100th anniversary of the Deutsche Orientalistentag (DOT), AnonymClassic team member, Marwa Ahmed, is giving a presentation entitled " A Preview Edition of Selected Textual Variants in Manuscripts of Kalīla and Dimna."
Location: Room Singapore (L113), Freie Universität Berlin