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Diversity and Teaching

Equal access to education requires sensitivity and

respect for all members of the university.

In view of the demographic development, the new educational situation, increased mobility, changing social settings and concepts like “life-long learning”, the composition of the student body is changing constantly. Diversity is everywhere, and plurality is steadily becoming the norm. How can we meet the requirements of the plethora of individual biographies (sociocultural backgrounds, individual styles and types of learning, gender-specific aspects, various language skills, having to take care of children/relatives or the necessity to finance their studies, etc.)? How can we generate an atmosphere of appreciation of all students and facilitate as well as support diversity?

This brings poses a challenge for teachers in particular: On the one hand, it is necessary to expect the same standards in courses form every student. On the other hand, you should absolutely keep the students' different (learning) backgrounds in mind, which necessitates a transparent form of "fair unequal treatment" as well as the protection from individual discrimination.

On the  following websites you will find suggestions on how to deal with the increasing diversity of the student body.

We look forward to your feedback and recommendations on organizing classes with a heterogeneous student body. In case of furhter queations, please contact qualitaetssicherung@geschkult.fu-berlin.de.

We would like to thank the Education and Training Committee of the Department of History and Cultural Studies, as well as Ann Kathrin Nitschke and Dr. Sabine Boomers for their support.

June 2015
