Account – your access to the services of Freie Universität
In order to take advantage of the various IT services offered at Freie Universität (and therefore also in the department), you require an access authorisation (account) with ZEDAT, the computer centre of Freie Universität. Depending on the status of your association with Freie Universität, various steps are necessary in order to obtain an account.
Students of Freie Universität receive an account directly from the ZEDAT user service with no special written application. When applying, which must be done in person, please bring your student pass and an official document, e.g. your identity card or passport. The account will be issued to you immediately, on the user service site.
Employees of Freie Universität receive and account directly from the ZEDAT user service with this form. When applying, which must be done in person, please bring an official document, e.g. your identity card or passport. The account will be issued to you immediately, on the user service site.
Guest Scientists, Teaching Staff and Lecturers
Guest scientists, teaching staff and lecturers are listed as lecturers through the respective department if no personnel number is issued by Freie Universität (i.e. they are not listed in the group of employees and have no contract of employment with Freie Universität). Please contact Ms Kuther or Ms Keilbar to be activated as a lecturer in the FUDIS database. On the day following your listing in the FUDIS database, with proof of this, you can apply to the ZEDAT user service for an account. Please bring an official document, e.g. your identity card or passport. The account will be issued to you immediately, on the user service site.
On application, guests of Freie Universität can obtain temporary access authorisation. A signature from a member of Freie Universität (your host) who approves the issue of an access authorisation is essential for this. More details are provided on the application form. This account is also issued in person on the ZEDAT user service site, on presentation of the form and an official document, e.g. your identity card or passport.