Department Administration
Room 1.0054, 1.0055
14195 Berlin
Office hours
Monday - Thursday: 11 AM to 1 PM
The Transponder Key for Locking Authorization
The Department of History and Cultural Studies distributes 'keys' only in the form of blue keyring pendants. Your personal locking authorization is programed on this so-called 'transponder'. Each transponder needs to be updated every 7 days, using the Master-Scanner.
How do I get my transponder?As a staff member at the FU, please hand in the neceassy information with the completed Transponder Issuance Form (German) via your division to the person responsible at the department. Plaese make sure the form is complete.
How and where do I activate and update my transponder?After receiving the transponder you will have to activate it. So-called Master-Scanners have been installed in every building's entrance area or foyer, respectively, for this purpose. Simply hold your transponder pressed to the Master-Scanner until a green light signals the successful programming (or updating) of the chip.
Can my transponder get damaged by close proximity to mobile phones or cash registers?No, accordning to the manufacturer the transponders are resitant to this kind of electromagnetic field.
What should I do if I lose my transponder, or can not remember where it is?Contact the person in charge at the department in order to get the transponder disabled and complete the Notice of Key Loss (German).
How come I was able to open my office door yesterday, but not today?In case you are not able to open or lock a door, even though the Master-Scanner indicated the successful updating with its green light, it is probable that the battery is empty or your contract has ended. Please contact the person in charge of keys in the department administration.
In case there is no one avaiable who can help you in the administration, please contact our facility managers (838-51186 or 0160/93958767, 0160/90102547).
Outside duty hours (in the evening and during the weekend) you have to call the central control stand.
On-call service: 838-55555
What should I do with the transponder after my contract ends?After your contract ends you are required to return the transponder to the department administration unprompted.