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Academic quality is inextricably linked to the adherence to good scientific practice. Every student, PhD candidate, advisor and scholar at the Department of History and Cultural Studies at Freie Universität Berlin is committed to abide by it.

The so-called 'Richtlinien der Freien Universität zur guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis' provide the foundation for academic quality.

In cases of conflict or other questions pertaining to good scientific practice, you may contact the ombudspersons at the department: Prof. Dr. Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit and her deputy Univ.-Prof. a.D. Dr. Werner Busch.

For information on how to handle cases when you suspect scientific misconduct, please read the 'Rules of Procedure for Good Scientific Practice' by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Further information can be found in the dossier 'Rules of Good Scientific Practice' by the German Research Foundation.

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