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New release: Der neuaramäische Dialekt von Midyat (Miḏyoyo). Band II: Glossar

Neuerscheinung - Midyat Glossar

Neuerscheinung - Midyat Glossar

We are pleased to announce the publication of the second volume of "The Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Midyat (Miḏyoyo)". The volume, created by Prof. Otto Jastrow and Prof. Shabo Talay in collaboration with Nikita Kuzin, consists of the glossary.

News from Sep 22, 2023

(translated version of the description by Harrassowitz)

As the second volume of their documentation of the Turoyo dialect of Midyat (Miḏyoyo), the authors now present the glossary. It contains the entire vocabulary of the texts published in volume 1 (Jastrow/Talay 2019). All lexical entries are provided with full grammatical details and illustrated by one or more example sentences. Subentries present forms, syntactic constructions and idiomatic expressions derived from a main entry (lemma). Furthermore, each entry includes information on etymology. Verbal entries are classified under the root, the individual verbal stems follow as subentries. An index of inflected verb forms in the appendix makes it easier to find the relevant verb root in the glossary. The appendix also contains a German-Aramaic word list, which can be used to search for Aramaic words according to their meaning.
Since the glossary is limited to the Midyat texts published in the first volume, it covers only a small part of the Turoyo vocabulary. However, it is designed to serve as the nucleus of a later comprehensive lexicon of the Turoyo language.

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