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Dr. Simona Olivieri to receive ERC starting grant

Olivieri, Simona

Olivieri, Simona

Semitic and Arabic studies scholar Simona Olivieri has been selected by the European Research Council (ERC) for an ERC Starting Grant worth over 1.49 million euros. The funding will be used to finance a five-year research project titled “Arabic Linguistic Discourse in the Making” (ALiDiM), aimed at investigating the roots of Classical Arabic and the language’sits reception. The research data and the original sources will later be made freely available to the public. The goal of ERC Starting Grants is to support researchers who have already produced excellent supervised work and help them make the transition to carrying out independent research.

News from Sep 05, 2023

Classical Arabic, as spoken and written by ancient scholars, is the main object of research of the ALiDiM project, involving intensive research and metalinguistic analysis on the language. The findings may shed new light on previous notions surrounding the roots of the Arabic linguistic tradition.

“The cultural environment influences not only the way languages are used, but also shaped. Arabic is a very good example of how languages are depicted as being representatives of cultures,” says Olivieri. Since the seventh century C.E., Arabic language scholars have worked to define the structure of Classical Arabic, presenting the language as the key to the Arabic-Islamic culture. For example, part of their work was to collect sources and linguistic data, and they selected those that were most meaningful to the emerging community. This included pre-Islamic Bedouin varieties and poetry as well as the Koran.

“In the ALiDiM project, we will explore the dynamics behind this grammar-making. With this, we will produce a new reading of the formative period of Classical Arabic and show how the language has been central to configuring and challenging cultural and social boundaries.”

For more information on Simona Olivieri, visit her profile page.

The full press release of Freie Universität Berlin is available here.

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