

The Seminar
Semitic Studies at Freie Universität research on semitic languages, history and culture of the Middle East. Concerning linguistic research the insitute studies the entire range of semitic languages from the earliest stages until todays spoken dialects.
Holy texts of different religious groups but also latest political events in the Middle East are considered objects of research.
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Image Credit: Stefan Müller-Naumann/FU

Semitic Studies
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Image Credit: Pexels.com

With the help of the Online-Study-Assistant you can get an inside look into the Studies of History and Culture of the Middle East (B.A.) at FU Berlin and learn about its structure and content.
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Image Credit: Mr-Kartographie

Master's program in Semitic Studies
Since the winter semester 2015/2016, the Seminar for Semitic and Arabic Studies has offered the consecutive Master's program in Semitic Studies.
- Study and examination regulations as well as admission statutes.
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Ancient Languages
Image Credit: Merlin Reichel

Important forms as well as information about the bachelor's and master's programs, including examination and study regulations.
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Image Credit: Pexels.com