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New release: OBUA-Toolbox for Ombudspersons at Berlin Research Institutions





We are pleased to announce the publication of the "OBUA-Toolbox for Ombudspersons at Berlin Research Institutions". The volume, authored by Simona Olivieri, Viktor Ullmann, and Ege Hazer is published in the framework of the OBUA Project at the Seminar für Semitistik und Arabistik.

News from Sep 29, 2023

"This Toolbox is developed in the framework of the OBUA-Ombudswesen@BUA project and is aimed at ombudspersons for good research practice at Berlin research institutions. It is structured as a catalog of practical knowledge related to ombuds responsibilities and work, from advising to handling inquiries and cases about suspected research misconduct. The sections include general information about good research practice, role and tasks of ombudspersons, as well as attitudes and skills that can be helpful in the context of ombuds work."

The Toolbox is published in German and English; the two publications are available in the Refubium, the institutional repository of Freie Universität Berlin.

Olivieri, Simona, Viktor Ullmann, and Ege Hazer. OBUA-Toolbox for Ombudspersons at Berlin Research Institutions. Freie Universität Berlin, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.17169/refubium-40721 Olivieri, Simona, Viktor Ullmann, and Ege Hazer. OBUA-Toolbox für Ombudspersonen an Berliner Forschungseinrichtungen. Freie Universität Berlin, 2023. http://dx.doi.org/10.17169/refubium-40722.
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