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Important information for continuing your studies in the summer semester 2023

News from Mar 06, 2023

Currently, we receive a lot of questions regarding continuing your studies in the summer semester 2023. Please find answers to the most frequently addressed topics below.

We would also like to draw your attention to the collective office hour for enrolled students; it will take place online on April 20, 10–11 AM (Berlin time) (LINK) and on April 27, 10–11 AM (Berlin time) (LINK).

Regarding (re-)registration/enrollment

For questions regarding the (re-)registration process, please contact info-service@fu-berlin.de

Regarding the status of your registration/enrollment 

You are not required to take any specific number of courses per semester – the exemplary study plan, however, is designed for studying full-time over the course of two years, which results in taking courses of around 30 ECTS per semester. So: Your registration/enrollment does not depend on how many courses you take or if you take any courses at all.

We would highly recommend to continue with the module "Interdisciplinary Perspectives" in the summer semester. Here you can already find the provisional course catalogue for summer 2023; some courses are yet to be published (LINK).

Studying flexibly

We always support our students in studying as flexible as possible; you are not required to take any specific number of courses, but we would highly recommend taking 3 to 4 courses or completing 2 modules per semester. Here you can already find the provisional course catalogue for summer 2023; some courses are yet to be published (LINK).

Leave of absence

Please also check whether a leave of absence would be an option for you (LINK). 

Private matters of studying in Berlin

As academic advisors, we (isme@geschkult.fu-berlin,de) are not involved in private matters of registration/enrollment (such as health insurance, payment of fees) or the status of you as a student in Berlin (regarding accommodation, part-time working, visa issues), but you may find relevant information on the websites of Freie Universität and you may inquire general information from info-service@fu-berlin.de

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