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support.points for mental wellbeing @ Holzlaube

News from Dec 02, 2022

Dear students and staff of the Department of History and Cultural Studies,

As part of the Mental Wellbeing Initiative at the FU Berlin, so-called “support.points” for mental health during studies are being set up at the Department of History and Cultural Studies, among others, since October 2022. The support.points are staffed by psychologists who help to clarify mental health concerns, work with you to find initial solutions, and refer you to other support services if necessary. The consultations are anonymous and confidential, and the staff are bound by professional secrecy. 

The psychologist responsible for the support.point at the Department of History and Cultural Studies is me, Johanna Lubig. My office is located at Holzlaube, Fabeckstr. 23/25 in room 1.0103 (access via waiting area 1.0104). You are welcome to come to my open office hours without an appointment:

The doors of the other support.points (currently Department of Philosophy and Humanities at Rostlaube, as well as Department of Veterinary Medicine at Koserstr., further locations will follow in the beginning of 2023) are also open to you (information about the office hours there can be found at: https://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/mentalwellbeing/Support_Points/index.html). 

You can also contact the support.points as staff/lecturers.

In addition to the open office hours, workshops and other support services are being planned. Currently the project is being established and we are looking forward to your hints, suggestions or questions (email to support.point@studienberatung.fu-berlin.de or directly to me johanna.lubig@fu-berlin.de. Also feel free to just drop by).

All information about the project can be found at fu-berlin.de/mentalwellbeing.

Kind regards,

Johanna Lubig

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