Important dates, interesting events
ISME navigator:Examination Strategies: Preparation approaches for various assessment formats; understanding examination regulations
Location: online
ISME navigator: Qualification Integration: Understanding and optimizing ECTS transfer processes
Location: online
ISME navigator: chat office hours
Location: online
ISME navigator: chat office hours
Location: online
ISME navigator: Professional Application: Internship options, registering internship modules, internship report
Location: online
ISME navigator: chat office hours
Location: online
ISME navigator: chat office hours
Location: online
ISME navigator: Thesis Development Workshop: From concept to completion (logistics, timeline planning, finding a supervisor)
Location: online
Winter Semester Closing Party
Location: Lecture Hall -1.2009 (souterrain in the Holzlaube).
Online Panel Discussion "The Middle East in German Museums Today"
Location: Meeting-Kennnummer: 2786 576 0716 Meeting-Passwort: rmP4GJZ3v2B
ISME communicating research
Location: online only
ISME communicating research
Location: online only
ISME communicating research
Location: online only
ISME q&a @ Freie Universität master sessions 2025
Location: online
ISME communicating research
Location: online only
ISME communicating research
Location: online only
Infoveranstaltung "Arabisch lernen in der arabischen Welt"
Location: KL 25/121b
ISME communicating research
Location: online only
ISME communicating research
Location: online only
ISME communicating research
Location: online only
ISME communicating research
Location: online only
For newly enrolled students: Introduction to ISME and Q&A session (online)
Location: online via Cisco webex
Central Orientation Days for International Students
Location: Henry-Ford-Bau, Garystraße 35, 14195 Berlin; Presentation & Q&A sessions afterwards in English from 1 PM in Lecture Hall C
Summer 2024 semester closing event
Location: Lecture Hall -1.2009 and adjacent yards.
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online
ISME communicating research – workshop using English in academic settings
Location: -1.2009 !
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online
ISME communicating research – workshop using English in academic settings
Location: -1.2009 !
ISME communicating research – introductory session #2
Location: online
ISME communicating research – introductory session
ISME communicating research summer semester 2024 Hosted by Lukas Mühlethaler & Victoria Mummelthe Dienstag, 23. April 2024 10:15 | 1 hour 30 minutes | (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Occurs every Tuesday effective 23.04.2024 until 16.07.2024 from 10:15 to 11:45, (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Meeting number: 2791 766 2342 Password: mrRw7QMMG36 Agenda: This colloquium aims towards supporting students in their final semesters in finding and communicating a topic for their master's theses. Join by video system Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Join by phone +49-619-6781-9736 Germany Toll +49-89-95467578 Germany Toll 2 Access code: 279 176 62342i
Location: online
information session for the course "Conflict, Knowledge, and Memory: Cases from Palestine and Syria"
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online via cisco webex
ISME Lecture Series: Memory and Forgetting (In) the Middle East and Beyond: panel discussion Reclaiming Identities – Cultural Resilience Amidst Disappearances (Lebanon and Iraq as Case Studies ... Syria as a True Story!)
Location: online and on campus in 2.2058
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online via cisco webex
ISME Lecture Series: Memory and Forgetting (In) the Middle East and Beyond: Semitic Studies (Shabo Talay & Maciej Klimiuk)
Location: online and on campus in 2.2058
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online via cisco webex
NEW TIME ISME Lecture Series: Memory and Forgetting (In) the Middle East and Beyond: Ottoman Studies & Turcology (Shoghig Hartmann)
Location: online and on campus in 2.2058
ISME thesis talk
Location: online via cisco webex
CANCELLED ISME Lecture Series: Memory and Forgetting (In) the Middle East and Beyond: Lukas Mühlethaler
Location: online and on campus in 2.2058
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online via cisco webex
ISME Lecture Series: Memory and Forgetting (In) the Middle East and Beyond: Islam in Europe (Schirin Amir-Moazami)
Location: online and on campus in 2.2058
ISME q&a @ Freie Universität master sessions 2024
Location: online
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online via cisco webex
ISME Lecture Series: Memory and Forgetting (In) the Middle East and Beyond: Arash Zeini
Location: online and on campus in 2.2058
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online via cisco webex
ISME Lecture Series: Memory and Forgetting (In) the Middle East and Beyond: Memory Spaces – Mapping Oral History in Mosul (Isabel Toral; Konstantin M. Klein)
Location: online and on campus in 2.2058
ISME thesis talk
Location: online
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online via cisco webex
CANCELLED Panel Discussion: Reclaiming Identities – Cultural Resilience Amidst Disappearances – Lebanon and Iraq as case studies
student-organized session as part of the ISME Lecture Series: Memory and Forgetting (In) the Middle East and Beyond
Location: online and on campus in 2.2058
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online via cisco webex
ISME Lecture Series: Memory and Forgetting (In) the Middle East and Beyond: Semitic Studies (Simona Olivieri & Grace Park)
Location: online and on campus in 2.2058
Erasmus+ Infotag Studium und Praktikum im Ausland
Location: online
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online via cisco webex
ISME Lecture Series: Memory and Forgetting (In) the Middle East and Beyond: Ottoman Studies & Turcology (Shoghig Hartmann)
Location: online and on campus in 2.2058
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online via cisco webex
ISME Lecture Series: Memory and Forgetting (In) the Middle East and Beyond: Jewish Studies (Lukas Mühlethaler)
Location: online and on campus in 2.2058
HEUREKA! Perspectives for students of the Humanities, Cultural Studies, and Social Sciences
Location: Hörsaal 1b and 2, Rostlaube, Habelschwerdter Allee 45
ISME thesis talk
Location: online
ISME communicating research – student presentations
Location: online via cisco webex
ISME Lecture Series: Memory and Forgetting (In) the Middle East and Beyond: Islamic Studies (Florian Zemmin)
Location: online and on campus in 2.2058
First Week of Good Scientific Practice at Freie Universität Berlin
Location: Seminarzentrum Rost- und Silberlaube
ISME communicating research
Location: online via cisco webex
ISME Lecture Series: Memory and Forgetting (In) the Middle East and Beyond: Kurdish and Iranian Studies (Khanna Usoyan)
Location: online and on campus in 2.2058
ISME communicating research
Location: online via cisco webex
ISME Lecture Series: Memory and Forgetting (In) the Middle East and Beyond: Arabic Studies (Beatrice Gruendler)
Location: online and on campus in 2.2058
ISME communicating research
Location: online via cisco webex
ISME Lecture Series: Memory and Forgetting (In) the Middle East and Beyond
Location: online and on campus in 2.2058
ISME collective office hours: course choices, accrediting courses, etc.
Location: online via WebEx
For newly enrolled students: Introduction to ISME and Q&A session (online)
Location: Online in Cisco WebEx
Central orientation days for international students
starting their studies in the winter semester 2023/2024
Location: Audimax Henry Ford building Garystr. 35, 14195
ISME Communicating Research summer – final session, feedback, summary, next semester
Location: online:
ISME "campus management extravaganza #2" collective office hours for final year students
Summer 2023 semester closing event
of the Department for History and Cultural Studies
Location: Hittorfstr. 18 garden of the graduate schools building
ISME Communicating Research summer – student presentation
Location: online:
ISME Communicating Research summer – student presentation
Location: online:
Summer party & 75 years of Freie Universität
Location: Cherry tree yard in front of the Holzlaube
ISME Communicating Research summer – student presentation
Location: online:
International Week 2023
Explore the world with us!
ISME Communicating Research summer – student presentation
Location: online:
ISME thesis talk
Location: Webinar series registration link:
ISME Communicating Research summer – student presentation
Location: online:
ISME Communicating Research summer – student presentation
Location: online:
ISME Communicating Research summer – student presentation
Location: online:
ISME Communicating Research summer – student presentation
Location: online:
ISME thesis talk
Location: Webinar series registration link:
ISME Communicating Research summer – student presentation
Location: online:
ISME Communicating Research summer – student presentation
Location: online:
ISME thesis talk
Location: Webinar series registration link:
ISME collective office hours: course choices, accrediting courses, etc.
Location: ISME collective office hours for questions regarding course choices, accrediting courses, etc. Hosted by Lukas Mühlethaler & Victoria Mummelthei Donnerstag, 27. April 2023 10:00 | 1 hour | (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Meeting number: 2730 913 9696 Password: PYnPpaJn868 Join by video system Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Join by phone +49-619-6781-9736 Germany Toll +49-89-95467578 Germany Toll 2 Access code: 273 091 39696
ISME Communicating Research summer – first session
Location: online:
ISME Q&A @ the Freie Universität master sessions 2023
Location: ISME Q&A @ the Freie Universität master sessions 2023 Date and time: Freitag, 21. April 2023 11:00 | (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Join link: Webinar number: 2733 976 4815 Webinar password: sVueAUFk752 (78832835 from phones) Join by phone +49-619-6781-9736 Germany Toll +49-89-95467578 Germany Toll 2 Access code: 273 397 64815
ISME collective office hours: course choices, accrediting courses, etc.
Location: ISME collective office hours for questions regarding course choices, accrediting courses, etc. Hosted by Lukas Mühlethaler & Victoria Mummelthei Donnerstag, 20. April 2023 10:00 | 1 hour | (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Meeting number: 2733 132 7532 Password: pYKBMZYH278 Join by video system Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Join by phone +49-619-6781-9736 Germany Toll +49-89-95467578 Germany Toll 2 Access code: 273 313 27532