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Prize of the Department of History and Cultural Studies for Gender Studies 2022

Preisverleihung 2022

Award of the Prize of the Department of History and Cultural Studies for Gender Studies to Lisa Phongsavath by the IFGD, end-of-semester ceremony, Institute of Korean Studies
Image Credit: Kristina Cassar

News from Jul 14, 2022

We congratulate Lisa Phongsavath for the Prize of the Department of History and Cultural Studies for Gender Studies 2022. Lisa Phongsavath convinced the jury with her master thesis "The Trade of Upland Slave Girls and French Colonial Abolition in Laos", supervised by Prof. Dr. Claudia Jarzebowski and Prof. Dr. Sebastian Conrad.

The official award ceremony by the IFGD took place at the end-of-semester party of the Department of History and Cultural Studies.

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