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Transfer from Bachelor's to Master’s Degree at the Department of History and Cultural Studies

News from Jan 16, 2012

This guideline will answer questions concerning the transfer from a Bachelor to a Master’s degree. The conditions on admission to the Masters program are regulated by the allocation regulations of each program. Usually you will have to demand a so called „2/3 Bescheinigung“ at the examination office. In the Allocation Regulation of each program you will find detailed information on this subject. The Info-Service of the Free University will tell you what other records you will have to hand in for your application to a Masters program.

The „2/3 Bescheinigung“ is only applicable for the Masters application. It has nothing to do with the application to the Bachelor thesis.

The regulations for the Bachelor thesis are settled in the examination regulations. In addition to that we created a to do list to graduate. After you have successfully applied for the Bachelor thesis  it takes about four weeks before the Board of examiners officially release the topic. Only then begins the editing time. It may take approximately up to 10 weeks until the evaluation and, if necessary, the oral occurs.

Please notice that, as a general rule, the last exam of your Bachelor classes needs to be completed no later than by the last day of your Bachelor studies. This does not only apply for the Bachelor thesis but also for all other exams. As soon as you have adduced all exams (they do not have to be evaluated yet) you can file for graduation. This is a necessary step in order to graduate and to obtain all certificates and diplomas. With the temporary enrollment to a Master’s program you will be informed about a deadline until when you will have to verify your graduation. Therefore this guideline points out the length of each procedure so the transfer from your Bachelor to the Master program causes no trouble. 


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