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Courses by the Terra-Foundation for American Art at the Kennedy-Institute

News from Aug 25, 2016

The Terra Foundation for American Art and the three institutes (Kennedy-Institute, KHI of the FU and IKB of the HU) have a contract for 6 guest professorships (spanning 6 years) that are settled at the Kennedy-Institute.

The guest professor for the 2016/17 winter term is Allison Stagg.

For more details, please visit the JFK Institute's page.

Allsion Stagg, Terra Visiting Professor, offers the following courses on American Art during the winter semester 2016/17:

S 32101, American Art Between the Revolution and the Civil War, Wednesdays 10 am to 12 pm, room 319 (Lansstraße 7-9, 14195 Berlin), first session on November 2

HS 32114, 'The Lovers of Fun may be gratified': Early American Caricature Prints and Visual Culture, 1789-1840, Wednesdays 2-4 pm, room 319 (Lansstraße 7-9, 14195 Berlin), first session on November 2

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