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On-site consultations available again - also with appointment in advance!

News from Mar 29, 2023

With the beginning of the lecture period of the SoSe 2023, on-site consultation hours will again be offered in the PhD office, examination office and the Office of Academic Affairs.

The general consultation day is Thursday.

You can drop by spontaneously during office hours and draw a waiting number on site in the waiting room (Fabeckstr. 23/25, room 1.0104). Please refer to the respective office websites for exact times.

Phd Office

Examination Office

Office of Adademic Affairs

Please note that many concerns can still be addressed via email. We are also still available by telephone.
We recommend a visit to the on-site consultation hours, especially in case of extensive queries about specific issues or urgent matters.

We wish everyone a good summer semester 2023.

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