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Call for Applications: Dahlem Junior Host Program 2023

Fellowship Program for Junior Researchers in the Humanities at Freie Universität Berlin

Deadline: 15.11.2022

News from Jul 14, 2022

With its Dahlem Junior Host Program (DJHP), the Dahlem Humanities Center (DHC) supports the international networking of junior researchers at Freie Universität Berlin. The DHC promotes:

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter:innen (academic staff members) from the humanities faculties at Freie Universität as hosts of visiting scholars from Germany and abroad.

Funding: up to 5.000 EUR per application
Application deadline: November 15, 2022
Earliest beginn of research stay: Februar 2023

 → Download text as PDF 

The program enables doctoral and postdoctoral researchers to invite (a) scholar(s) to Freie Universität Berlin whose work is central to their research. The projects to be undertaken during the research stay depend on the individual scholarly objectives and goals of the applicants and must be described in the application. Examples of possible activities are the conception and work on joint publications, the editing of a joint research proposal, co-teaching projects, the implementation of digital humanities projects, the conception and implementation of specific science communication formats, or the organization of one or more guest lectures and/or working meetings. Scholars of all career stages can be invited for a period of up to 12 weeks. For the implementation of workshops, short stays of several guest scholars can be applied for at the same maximum funding amount.

It is desirable that the cooperation takes place on-site in Berlin. If this is not possible due to the pandemic, the collaboration can also take place online. In this case, an alternative concept for digital collaboration must be submitted.

Application documents

Applications must be submitted by email by November 15, 2022. Please send your documents as one PDF file in the order given below to the managing director of the Dahlem Humanities Center (geschaeftsfuehrung@dhc.fu-berlin.de). Please note that the budget form must also be submitted as an Excel file. The documents can be submitted in German or English:

  • Completed application form[PDF]
    • In case of invitation of one guest: schedule for the guest stay; max. 4 pages
    • In case of invitation of several guests (workshop): Concept and program of the event (including research topics of individual guests/potential workshop contributions) with reference to the own research project, reason for guest invitations, description of goals; max. 4 pages
  • Completed budget form [XLS – click on "enable editing" after downloading the document]: overview of requested funds (tentative calculation of travel and accommodation costs and other costs and services needed to carry out the collaboration); requestable maximum total amount 5,000 EUR); in addition to the PDF version of the budget, please also submit the Excel spreadsheet
  • CVs, including publication list, of the applicant(s) and guest(s); max. 3 pages per CV
  • Letter of support from the Department/Mentor/Research Group (Fachbereich/Projekt)
  • Short letter of intent of the guest(s) to be invited
  • In case of online collaboration for pandemic reasons: alternative concept describing the kind of cooperation and projects to be carried out (submit only once it is clear that on-site collaboration is not possible)
  • Letter of motivation, including project outline. Please outline the specific objectives of the invitation/collaboration as well as the planned activities during the guest stay. Please make clear how your own research project would benefit from the guest invitation. In addition, address the following points:


Eligible to apply are academic staff (“Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeitende”: doctoral students and postdocs up to 6 years after the date of the disputation) who are members of the Department of Philosophy and Humanities, the Department of History and Cultural Studies as well as the central institutes working in the humanities (e.g. JFKI, LAI) at Freie Universität Berlin at the time of the application and the planned guest stay. Child-raising periods within the time limit are credited at a standard rate of two years per child under the age of 12.

Scholars employed in the above named departments and institutes are particularly invited to apply. In the case of applications from scholars/fellows who work in Forschungsverbünden (research groups), clusters, and other third-party-funded institutions, applicants must explain why the planned activity cannot be financed through project funds.

Funding conditions

Within the DJHP, funds can be applied for to finance the travel and stay of a guest or several guests and the implementation of joint projects in the total amount of 5.000 EUR. The funds to be awarded are lump sums for guest stays and projects, not funds to finance job positions. Guest stays can begin at the earliest on February 1, 2023 and must begin at the latest on October 17, 2023. Possible projects that can be carried out during the collaboration and for which funding can be requested are:

  • Guest lectures and/or workshops
  • Projects with students (e.g. exhibitions)
  • Digital humanities projects (e.g., digital editions, software, digitization of archival materials relevant to both scholars)
  • Science communication (e.g., blog, video, website, digital formats, or other innovative and creative formats to reach broader audiences)
  • Supporting work for joint publications (e.g., proofreading, image acquisition, image rights, translations; flat-rate printing cost and publishing subsidies are excluded)

The awarded funds as well as what the funds can be used for may deviate from what was requested in the application. The requested project funds must be claimed within 12 months after the start of the funding.


A report on the use of the granted funds as well as on the collaboration and its results must be submitted no later than 4 weeks after the end of the guest stay; max. 3 pages.

Dr. Anne Schenderlein
Managing Director
Dahlem Humanities Center (DHC)
Freie Universität Berlin
JK 30/107
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin
EMail: geschaeftsfuehrung@dhc.fu-berlin.de

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