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Prof. Dr. Sebastian Conrad

Global History, (Post-)colonial History, Intellectual History

+49 30 838 53815


Dr. Franziska Exeler

Modern Eastern Europe and Russia; War and Society; (International) Legal History; Migration, Borders and Borderland Studies

Franziska Exeler

Prof. Dr. Michael Goebel

Global History, Social History, Urban History, Nationalism

+49 30 838 50356

Michael Goebel

Dr. Minu Haschemi Yekani

(Post-)Colonial History, Histories of Racism and Migration, Labour History

+49 30 838 59127


Dr. Sophie-Jung Kim

Global and Transnational History, History of Religion and Ideas, Modern South Asia

Sophie-Jung Kim

Jonas Kreienbaum

History of Colonialism and Decolonization, Economic History, Violence and Genocide

+49 30 838 61115


Dr. Adrián Lerner Patrón

Latin America, Urban History, Environmental History, History of Science

Adrian Lerner

Dr. Dörte Lerp

(Post-)Colonial History, Tourism and Development

+49 30 838 68840


Dr. Ismay Milford

Global History; History of East Africa; Cold War History; Intellectual History


Dr. Avner Ofrath

History of citizenship, language, and the public sphere in the modern Mediterranean


Dr. Joseph Ben Prestel

European History, Middle Eastern History, Urban History

+49 30 838 72190


PD Dr. Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe

Holocaust Studies, East European History, Jewish History, Global History of Transnational Violence, History of Multiethnic Cities

+49 30 838 65714


Dr. Esther Sahle

Global History, Economic History, Early Modern History, Religion, Trade, Governance, Human Capital

Esther Sahle

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Schaper

History of Colonialism, Gender History, Tourism

+49 30 838 51993


Yorim Spoelder

South and Southeast Asian History, European History, Colonial History, History of Knowledge, Critical Heritage Studies, Urban History.

Yorim Spoelder

Dr. Jana Tschurenev

Global Gender History; History of Childhood, Care, and the Family; History of Education; Comparative Education

Reaching the People