Global History Colloquium: Onur Edur (Humboldt-Universität) on "Schule des Südens: Die kolonialen Wurzeln der französischen Theorie"
Joint event with the Colloquium zur Zeitgeschichte, the lecture will be held in German .
Colloquium Global History, Diana Kim (Georgetown University)
Ort: This session will be online. Here are the webex Details: Monday, 13 Feb, 2023 17:55 | 2 hours 20 minutes | (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Meeting number: 2733 763 7877 Password: Pxx3cZhQR73 Join by video system Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Join by phone +49-619-6781-9736 Germany Toll +49-89-95467578 Germany Toll 2 Access code: 273 376 37877
Colloquium Global History, Zoe LeBlanc (University of Illinois)
Ort: This session will be online. Here are the webex Details: Monday, 30 Jan, 2023 17:55 | 2 hours 20 minutes | (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Meeting number: 2733 610 7863 Password: xyPyP9Gfe33 Join by video system Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Join by phone +49-619-6781-9736 Germany Toll +49-89-95467578 Germany Toll 2 Access code: 273 361 07863
Colloquium Global History, Raphaëlle Khan (New York)
Ort: This session will be online. Here are the webex Details: Monday, Jan 16, 2023 5:55 pm | 2 hours 15 minutes | (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Meeting number: 2734 880 4066 Password: Ym5Qj4MEmM2 Join by video system Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Join by phone +49-619-6781-9736 Germany Toll +49-89-95467578 Germany Toll 2 Access code: 273 488 04066
Colloquium Global History, Darryl Li (Chicago)
Ort: This session will be online. Please join via Webex:
Colloquium Global History, Cancelled
Ort: Room A336 Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut Koserstraße 20, 14195 Berlin
Colloquium Global History, Cancelled
Ort: Room A336 Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut Koserstraße 20, 14195 Berlin
Colloquium Global History, Naoko Shimazu (Singapore)
Ort: This session will be online. Here are the webex Details: Monday, 22 Nov, 2021 12:30 | 1 hour 30 minutes | (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna Meeting number: 2732 744 7780 Password: fC8wZrp49VG Join by video system Dial You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Join by phone +49-619-6781-9736 Germany Toll +49-89-95467578 Germany Toll 2 Access code: 273 274 47780
Colloquium Global History, Glenda Sluga (Florence)
Ort: This talk will be online. Here is the link for the Webex session:
Panel Discussion - From Twitter to Podcasts: Communicating the Past in the Digital Age
Ort: Room A 124 FMI Koserstr. 20 14195 Berlin
Colloquium Global History, Internal Workshop
Ort: FMI - Koserstraße 20, room A 336
Colloquium Global History, Andrew Zimmerman (George Washington University, Washington)
Ort: FMI - Koserstraße 20, room A 336
Colloquium Global History, Benjamin R. Siegel (Boston University)
Ort: FMI - Koserstraße 20, room A 336
Colloquium Global History, Lisa Mitchell (University of Pennsylvania)
Ort: FMI - Koserstraße 20, room A 336
Colloquium Global History, Lisa Hellman (Free University of Berlin)
Ort: FMI - Koserstraße 20, room A 336
Colloquium Global History, Marcel van der Linden (International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam)
Ort: FMI - Koserstraße 20, room A 336
Colloquium Global History, Emma Hunter (University of Edinburgh)
Ort: FMI - Koserstraße 20, room A 336
Africa in Global Intellectual HIstory
Ort: Freie Universität Berlin
Colloquium Global History, Koji Yamamoto (University of Tokyo)
Ort: FMI - Koserstraße 20, room A 336
Colloquium Global History, Nikita Dhawan (University of Innsbruck)
Ort: FMI - Koserstraße 20, room A 336
Colloquium Global History, Baz Lecocq (Humboldt University, Berlin)
Ort: FMI - Koserstraße 20, room A 336
Colloquium Global History, Internal Workshop
Ort: FMI - Koserstraße 20, room A 336
Colloquium Global History, Sheldon Garon (Princeton University)
Ort: FMI - Koserstraße 20, room A 336
Colloquium Global History, Benedetta Rossi (University of Birmingham)
Ort: FMI - Koserstraße 20, room A 336
Colloquium Global History, Vanessa Ogle (University of California, Berkeley)
Ort: Harnack-Haus, Ihnestrasße 16-20
Colloquium Global History, Arjun Appadurai (New York University)
Ort: FMI - Koserstraße 20, room A 336
Symposium: The Stone Cross From Cape Cross
Ort: Deutsches Historisches Museum Schlüterhof Unter den Linden 2, 10117 Berlin
Colloquium Global History, Naoko Yuge (Waseda University, Tokyo)
Ort: FMI - Koserstraße 20, room A 184
Colloquium Global History, Kris Manjapra (Tufts University) & Glenn Penny (University of Iowa)
Ort: Lateinamerika-Institut (Rüdesheimer Str. 54-56), room 201
Colloquium Global History, Roundtable
Ort: Hörsaal 1b of Rost-/Silberlaube (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
Colloquium Global History, Liat Kozma (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Ort: FMI - Koserstraße 20, room A 336
Colloquium Global History, Or Rosenboim (University of London)
Ort: FMI - Koserstraße 20, room A 336