Dr. Minu Haschemi Yekani

Research Associate and Lecturer (Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin)
(Post-)Colonial History, Histories of Racism and Migration, Labour History
Neuere Geschichte/Global History
Koserstraße 20
Raum A 391
14195 Berlin
Minu Haschemi Yekani joined the Global History faculty in 2013. In addition to her academic research, she is the academic coordinator for the MA program Global History and coordinated the research proposal for the Graduate School “Global Intellectual History” which was approved by the DFG in 2016.
Prior to her position at the FMI she was a doctoral researcher at the History Department at the European University in Florence from where she holds her PhD and a M.Res. She also holds a MA in History and Philosophy from the Freie Universität Berlin. In addition she was a research fellow at the University of Cambridge. Minu Haschemi’s research has been supported by the DAAD and the European University Institute.
Her monograph „Koloniale Arbeit. Rassismus, Migration und Herrschaft in Tansania (1885-1914)“ was published with Campus in 2019. As an empirical study, the book adds new aspects to the historical revision of German colonial history in East-Africa, to the history of colonial racism and to the history of labour in the age of imperialism.
Winter Semster 2018/19
Global Histories of Labour and Migration, Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin
Summer Semester 2018
Study trip & doctoral summer school Empires in Global History [Masterprogramm & Graduiertenkolleg], zusammen mit Sebastian Conrad, Andreas Eckert, Sergey Glebov, Alexander Semyonov, an der Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg, Russland
Summer Semester 2014
Mastercolloquium Global History, zusammen mit Ulrike Schaper, Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin.
Summer Semester 2013
Gegen den Strich. Geschichte des deutschen und europäischen Kolonialismus (MA) am Historischen Seminar der Technischen Universität Braunschweig in Kooperation mit dem Braunschweiger Zentrum für Gender Studies.
Summer Semester 2012
De-zentrieren. Bedeutung kritischer Perspektiven für die Historiographie des deutschen Kolonialismus (BA) am Zentrum für transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien [Modul:Interdisziplinarität], Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
„Koloniale Arbeit. Rassismus, Migration und Herrschaft in Tansania (1885-1914)“
By examining three case studies, the project highlights the emergence of a colonial labour order in early colonial Tanzania. The central question posed in this project is: In what way did the colonial labour regime in German East Africa correspond with the formation of a global color line and the growing debates over the relationship between race and labour at the end of the nineteenth century? The first chapter focuses on the recruitment and employment of Asian indentured labourers on plantations owned by the German-East African Plantation Company, and raises questions regarding global migration as well as free and unfree labour during High Imperialism. The second chapter contextualizes the colonial “education to work” as a result of a transatlantic knowledge exchange and ties this process to the question of school policy in colonial Tanzania. The chapter then goes on to analyze the recruitment policy of state-run schools in which Muslims, first and foremost, were to be trained as subaltern civil servants. The third chapter in turn focuses on unwanted subalterns and contextualizes the deportation of poor whites who were seen as a danger to both the colonial (labour) regime, as well as to the “white prestige” of colonial rulers. All three chapters show the discursive entanglements that bound local politics of race and labour to global, transregional, inter-imperial, and metropolitan phenomena.
Koloniale Arbeit. Rassismus, Migration und Herrschaft in Tansania (1885-1914), Reihe: Globalgeschichte, Campus: Frankfurt am Main 2019.
Haschemi Yekani, Minu, und Ulrike Schaper. „Pictures, Postcards, Points of Contact: New Approaches to Cultural Histories of German Colonialism“ in: German History 35, Nr. 4 (2017): 603–623.
Haschemi Yekani, Minu. „‚Inder und Chinesen werden unsere Kolonie nicht in die Höhe bringen‘. Arbeit, Klima und der „Rasse“-Diskurs in Tansania (1885-1914)“. In „Deutsche Arbeit“: Kritische Perspektiven auf ein ideologisches Selbstbild, herausgegeben von Felix Axster und Nikolas Lelle, Göttingen: Wallstein, 2018, pp. 209–25.
Review: Stoler, Ann Laura, Along the Archival Grain. Epistemic Anxieties and Colonial Common Sense, Princeton 2008, in: H-Soz-u-Kult, 10.11.2009.
Conference report: Nachwuchsworkshop ,Kolonialgeschichte/Dekolonialisierung’. 19.02.2008, Berlin, in: H-Soz-u-Kult.
Review: Projekt Migration. Veranstaltungsort: Kölnischer Kunstverein Köln, 1. Oktober 2005 - 15. Januar 2006, in: springerin. Hefte für Gegenwartskunst 1/2006.
Review: Bilder verkehren. Postkarten in der visuellen Kultur des deutschen Kolonialismus, Kunsthaus Hamburg, in: H-Soz-u-Kult, 04.11.2005.
Conference report: Die Last des Erinnerns. Kolonialismus im kollektiven Gedächtnis Afrikas und Europas. 02.06.2005-04.06.2005, Universität Lüneburg, in: H-Soz-u-Kult, 29.07.2005.
Review: Motte/Ohlinger/v.Oswald (Hgg.), 50 Jahre Bundesrepublik – 50 Jahre Einwanderung, Nachkriegsgeschichte als Migrationsgeschichte, in: 1999, Zeitschrift für Sozialgeschichte des 20./21.Jahrhunderts, März 2002, Heft 1, pp. 217-219.