Jacob of Serugh and his reception in non-Syriac traditions | Semitistisches Forschungskolloquium "Forschungsperspektiven der Semitistik"
- Tamara Pataridze (University of Louvain): "Crossing boundaries: The reception of Jacob of Serugh in Georgian milieus"
- Andy Hilkens (Goethe University Frankfurt): "Jacob of Serugh in the Armenian tradition"
- Ted Erho (LMU Munich): "Jacob of Serugh's homilies in medieval and modern Ethiopia"
- Vasiliki Chamourgiotaki (FU Berlin): "The Arabic reception of Jacob of Serugh. A focus on the Sinaitic manuscripts"
Time & Location
Jun 09, 2021 | 04:00 PM c.t. - 06:00 PM