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Two completed doctoral procedures in Semitic studies

Disputation Kuzin

Disputation Kuzin

Disputation Uezel

Disputation Uezel

News from Feb 05, 2025

We congratulate Nikita Kuzin and Anna-Simona Barbara Üzel on the completion of their doctoral procedures.

Nikita Kuzin wrote his dissertation on the Neo-Aramaic dialect of Ṭuroyo, titled Voice and valency change in the Neo-Aramaic language Ṭuroyo. His disputation took place on 18 December 2024.

Anna-Simona Barbara Üzel has completed her dissertation, which bears the title Die Traktate gegen die Nestorianer im Buch der disputativen Schriften von Dionysius Yaʿqūḇ Bar Ṣalībī (†1171). The disputation was held on 24 January 2025.

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