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Research Associate (Postdoc) (m/f/d) full-time job limited until 31.10.2023 subject to allocation of funds Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L FU Reference code: Worldmaking/PostdocTP1B

News from Sep 14, 2020

Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften - Ostasien und Vorderer Orient Institute of Chinese Studies

Research Associate (Postdoc) (m/f/d) full-time job limited until 31.10.2023 subject to allocation of funds Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L FU Reference code: Worldmaking/PostdocTP1B

Application period: until 05.10.2020

This call for applications invites applicants for a post-doctoral research position (postdoc) in the joint project “Worldmaking in Global Perspective: A Dialogue with China” (funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF). The project is jointly conducted by researchers at universities in Berlin, Göttingen, Heidelberg, Munich and Würzburg.

We are seeking applicants for a post-doctoral research position (research associate, postdoc) in project 1B „Social worlds: China’s cities as spaces of worldmaking“ (led by Prof. Dr. Björn Alpermann, University of Würzburg, und Prof. Dr. Elena Meyer-Clement, Freie Universität Berlin). The project investigates the political and societal effects of globalization in China’s cities. It analyses social interaction and communication processes as well as the role of China’s cities in global politics. The candidate’s post-doctoral project should relate to one of these topics. Our investigation of changing social worlds in China’s cities builds on intensive fieldwork in cooperation with Chinese researchers. The interdisciplinary analysis is linked to global debates in urban and globalization studies.

The researcher will work in a team with a pre-doctoral researcher and Chinese and German research fellows in Berlin and Würzburg. The candidate will receive funding for conducting research (stays) in the PRC, Taiwan or Hong Kong and for participating in international workshops and conferences.

Job description:

  • Contributing to the social science research on China at the Institute of Chinese Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
  • Participating in the project “Social worlds: China’s cities as spaces of worldmaking” within the joint project „Worldmaking in Global Perspective: A Dialogue with China”, funded by the BMBF
  • Collaborating with project members and fellows, and fostering the exchange between German and Chinese researchers
  • Assisting the organisation and implementation of the project’s conferences, workshops and transfer activities

Completed doctoral degree in Chinese Studies, Political Science, Sociology, Geography or a related discipline with a focus on China by the time of employment.


  • Fluency in Chinese and English
  • Excellent academic record and doctorate
  • Verifiable interest in one or more of the following research areas: urbanization, urban sociology, population politics, globalization, global governance
  • Willingness to conduct fieldwork in China
  • Very good knowledge of social science research methods
  • Ability to work independently in an interdisciplinary team of researchers

For further information, please contact Mrs. Susanne Ebermann (susanne.ebermann@fu-berlin.de / 030 838 75034).

Further information

All applications (including a short cover letter outlining your background, a detailed CV including possibly some references, and all relevant certificates) quoting the reference code should be directed preferably electronically in one PDF-file to: Mrs. Prof. Dr. Elena Meyer-Clement: susanne.ebermann@fu-berlin.de or postal to

Freie Universität Berlin

Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften

Ostasien und Vorderer Orient

Institute of Chinese Studies

Mrs. Prof. Dr. Elena Meyer-Clement

Fabeckstr. 23-25

14195 Berlin (Dahlem)

With an electronic application, you acknowledge that FU Berlin saves and processes your data. FU Berlin cannot guarantee the security of your personal data if you send your application over an unencrypted connection.

Date of job posting: 13.09.2020

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