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Search for Study Assistant

News from Nov 30, 2021

Dear Fellow Students,

one of our first-semester MA students in the Interdisciplinary Studies of the Middle East program is looking for a nice, reliable, female person to assist her in her daily study routine as a blind student. 

The assistant needs to be able to communicate in English.

This job involves tasks such as participating in the classroom with the student, going to library and searching for books, recording or scanning study materials, searching websites, etc. 

This position is for approximately 15 hours per week.

The study assistant will be compensated with a fee of 12,20 Euro per hour on a freelance basis.

If you are interested, please either contact the counseling centre for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses via:

E-Mail: beratung-barrierefrei@zuv.fu-berlin.de
Phone:  030-838-54832"

In the subject of the email, please write "Study Assistant."

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