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Summer semester 2023 course registration via campus management

News from Mar 06, 2023

Detailed information about the dates of the registration period summer semester 2023 by the campus management team:

Registration for modules and courses

The registration period for the summer semester 2023 starts on Monday, 03.04.2023 at 09:00 a.m. The registration period ends on Friday, 05.05.2023 at midnight. Throughout the registration period, registration and de-registration for modules and courses with unlimited capacity is possible. Until Friday, 14.04.2023 12:00 noon, it is possible to submit priority requests for courses with limited capacity.

For courses with limited capacities (these are those in which a maximum number of participants is specified), the following applies regardless of whether they are held in presence or online:

  1. There is a deadline of Friday, 14.04.2023 12:00 noon (period for allocating preferences) for indicating course preferences. Preferences submitted by that time will be taken into account in the automatic allocation of courses.
  2. Courses with limited capacity are therefore not booked directly within the preference period, but only on the allocation date (14.04.2023 after 12:00).
  3. Participants of courses with limited capacity only appear on participant lists of the teacing staff or in Blackboard after the automatic allocation of courses.
  4. The chances of receiving a space in a courses with limited capacity do not depend on the date within the registration period you register!
  5. IMPORTANT: Your chances increase with the number of preferences submitted in the case of multiple course offerings.
  6. You can only submit one preference for each specific course (LV number).

The allocation of courses with limited capacity will be carried out on Friday, April 14, 2023 from 12:00 noon.

Further registrations/de-registrations in the remaining registration period after auomatic allocation (until 05.05.2023 24:00):

  1. Further modules can still be registered or de-registered (de-registration, however, only if not already booked in a previous semester)
  2. Direct registration for any remaining spaces in courses with limited capacity is possible.
  3. Courses with limited capacity booked via the automatic allocation can be de-registered or re-booked (as far as capacities allow).
  4. This also applies to courses with unlimited capacity. Registrations and de-registrations can be made directly and until the end of the registration period.

Please use the online course catalog (eVV) to find out whether a course will be held in person or digitally and which general conditions must be considered. 
Please also check the status of your registrations in the web registration or in your grades and credits summary regularly. 
If, for example, the course title contains the addition "Cancelled:", then a course will not take place at short notice. 

Please also note that some departments (e.g. ZE Language Center) perform their own allocation procedures for courses with limited capacity, which precede registration in the Campus Management System and are binding.

For students of Biology: In any case, follow the instructions of the Study Office Biology (German) and the instructions in the course catalog.

Family-friendly pre-registration for students of Dahlem School of Education (DSE): For organizational reasons, a special procedure with different registration deadlines applies to the bachelor's program in elementary education, the LBW modules, and the master's programs in teaching. You will be informed separately by the Dahlem School of Education. Further information can be found on the homepage: https://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/dse/anlaufstellen/Vorbuchung

Finally, we expressly ask that you withdraw from modules and courses in a timely manner if you decide not to attend them this semester. Otherwise you will block places that fellow students may need.

One more note to those of you who have special requirements for your schedule due to family or health reasons:
A certain number of course spaces will be reserved for you in all courses with limited capacity. Unless your course has a special registration procedure (see above), please register by Friday, 07.10.2022 at the relevant study or examination office, where you will receive more detailed information. 
This is not required for courses with unlimited capacity!

With kind regards
Your Campus Management Team

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