The Queer Anthro Interstice: Sharing Work in Progress V
News from Nov 25, 2022
The German Anthropological Association’s Working Group “Gender & Sexualities | Queer Anthropology” continues its Queer Anthro Interstice, a monthly online meeting for all members and those committed to our cause. Rather than classical lectures, we encourage a collaborative and experimental exchange based on the idea of sharing: a sharing not only of research questions, designs and materials, but also of the challenges that we face in these interstitial times.
December 7
Serawit Debele (Universität Bayreuth)
Excesses of Pleasure: The Political Economy of “Wesib” in Ethiopia
January 4
Wikke Jansen (Freie Universität Berlin/Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
Queer Mobilities: Intersections of Activism, Religion, and Everyday Life in Indonesia and beyond
Natalie Klyk (Europa-Universität Viadrina)
Re-thinking Rubin: Politics of recognition within the BDSM-Scene
February 1
Svati P. Shah (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
The Art of Ethnographic Failure: Lessons on Theorizing from the Fieldnote for Queer South Asian Anthropology
March 8–9
Workshop by the AG Gender & Sexualities | Queer Anthropology in cooperation with
the Research Area Gender, Body, Sexuality (Freie Universität Berlin)
On the first Wednesday of the month from 5–7 pm, Online on Webex.
If you want to participate in our monthly colloquium, please send an email to