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GETTING STARTED at Freie Universität Berlin

GETTING STARTED at Freie Universität Berlin

GETTING STARTED at Freie Universität Berlin

News from Oct 24, 2020

Dear students,

Now that you have passed the application process, your time at our university is about to begin. This online assistant will help you to get ready for your time at university by providing you with the answers to common questions such as "How do I put together my course schedule?" or "How do I register for classes?".

Due to the current situation, the winter semester 2020/21 will be a special one, and your studies will take place under unusual circumstances. We have created a new menu item in this OSA called Corona Guidelines where we have put together the most important information on studying during the pandemic, orientation days, digital tools, exams, etc..

Whether you want to go through the complete online guide or just look at a few things that are of interest to you, various videos and interactive exercises will help you to get ready for your studies. At the end of this OSA, you can also find a glossary with short explanations and further links for the most common terms and abbreviations used at Freie Universität Berlin. 

We wish you a successful start at Freie Universität Berlin!

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