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A step-by-step guide through the application process

This is a step-by-step guide. For more details on the individual points, see the admissions page.

Step 1: Check if you meet the prerequisites.

You meet the requirements if you:

  • hold a first university degree (e.g., bachelor’s) with at least 180 ECTS credits;
  • have earned at least 60 ECTS credits in courses relevant to interdisciplinary studies of the Middle East (such as Arabic Studies, Iranian Studies, Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies, Semitic Studies, or Turkish and Ottoman Studies);
  • or have equivalent qualifications in addition to your first university degree;
  • provide proof of proficiency in Arabic, Armenian, Hebrew, Kurdish, Ottoman, Persian, Syrian-Aramaic, or Turkish (at least B1 level CEFR);
  • Provide proof of excellent English language skills (at least C1 level CEFR) if your first degree was not taught in English.

Step 2: Gather the required documents

You must provide the following documents:

according to the requirements of ISME – please check any potential formal requirements by uni-assist if applying with a degree from another country but Germany
  • bachelor's degree including diploma supplement;
  • transcript of records → to prove at least 60 ECTS in ISME-related courses; you may also prove your proficiency in an ISME-related language with a TOC
  • one English language certificate → according to the options mentioned above, to prove your proficiency in English at least on the C1 level CERF or equivalent
  • ISME-related language certificate → according to the options mentioned above, to prove your proficiency at least on the B1 level CERF or equivalent
  • official translations of any documents not issued in German or English
  • if applicable: further documents as proof of additional qualifications as mentioned above

Further recommended documents:

  • CV – especially when applying with additional qualifications;
  • a motivation letter – no longer than 500 words.

What not to submit

  • recommendation letters;
  • work samples;
  • writing samples;
  • master's thesis proposals.

Step 3: Choose the appropriate application portal

  • For applicants with a degree from Germany, apply through Freie Universität Berlin’s online application form;
  • for applicants with a degree from outside Germany, apply through the uni-assist online portal.

Step 4: Submit your application

  • Upload all required documents to the appropriate online application portal (FU Berlin or uni-assist) by the deadline;
  • pay the application fee (if applicable),

Step 5: Await the admission decision

IMPORTANT: For those applying through uni-assist, when uni-assist forwards your application to Freie Universität Berlin, you will receive an email with an activation link for your account in the application portal of Freie Universität Berlin. Make sure to click the link to activate your account. It is through this account that you will receive all updates about the status of your application. Also, do NOT create any additional accounts in the application portal.

  • The ISME selection committee will review your application and make a recommendation to the admissions office of Freie Universität Berlin.
  • You will be informed about the status of your application through the application portal of Freie Universität Berlin.
  • If you are admitted, you will receive further instructions on enrollment and registration through the application portal of Freie Universität Berlin.
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