Prof. Dr. Arnd Bauerkämper

Neuere Geschichte
Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften
Koserstr. 20
Room A 192
14195 Berlin
Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften
Koserstr. 20
Room A 192
14195 Berlin
+49 (30) 838 52840
Office hours
During the semester break, Professor Bauerkämper will be available on on August 16th, September 13th and October 11th from 4 to 6 PM. Please register beforehand via Mail.
- Vice-Chairman of the International Scientific Advisory Board for the "Topography of Terror Memorial" (Berlin).
- Board member of the Historical Commission of Berlin.
- Selection committee member for the Massante Science Prize of the Verein für die Geschichte Berlins.
- Selection committee member for the Ernst Reuter Prize for outstanding dissertations.
- Erasmus and exchange representative at the Friedrich Meinecke Institute of the Free University of Berlin
- Peer-Review Committee Member of the journal "Zeitgeschichte"
Career and Honors:
- September 2017 - July 2018: Gerda Henkel Visiting Professor at the German Historical Institute London and at the London School of Economics and Political Science
- since April 2009: Professor at the Freie Universität Berlin
- February - April 2009: Visiting Professor of the German Academic Exchange Service at Ball State University, Indiana
- July 2007 - January 2010: Associate Professor at the Free University of Berlin.
- Juni 2003 – Juni 2007: Oberassistent am Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften der Freien Universität Berlin.
- June 2003 - June 2007: Senior Assistant at the Department of History and Cultural Studies of the Free University of Berlin.
- since July 2004: Managing Director of the Berlin College for Comparative History of Europe (Berlin).
- May 2001 - June 2004: Managing Director of the Centre for Comparative History of Europe (Berlin).
- February 1993 - April 2001: research assistant at the Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam e.V. (until 31.12.1995: research focus on contemporary historical studies of the Förderungsgesellschaft Wissenschaftliche Neuvorhaben)
- August 1991 - January 1993: Head of staff of the Museum for Emsland History.
- May 2002: Publication of the revised and abridged version of the habilitation thesis, including "Rural society under the communist dictatorship. Forced Modernization and Tradition in Brandenburg 1945-1963". at Böhlau-Verlag (Cologne).
- 27 June 2001: Habilitation lecture on "The Formation of the Reformation Public Sphere in Germany. On the production and distribution of pamphlets and leaflets 1517-1548".
- 2000: Habilitation thesis on "Social construction and appropriation of power in the communist dictatorship. Change and Tradition in Rural Society in Brandenburg from 1945 to the early 1960s".
Research stays
- February/March 1987: Public Record Office (London); Wiener Library (London); Brynmor Jones Library (University of Hull)
- September 1987: British Library (London); Archives of the National Maritime Museum (London).
- June 1985: Public Record Office (London).
Post-doc project
- 1990/91: Research project on the transformation of the agricultural economy and rural society in the Federal Republic of Germany 1945-1960 (with special emphasis on Northwest Germany).
Studies and doctorate:
- November 1991: Publication of the revised and updated version of the doctoral thesis at the publishing house Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (Göttingen).
- August 1986-December 1989: Dissertation on the topic "The 'radical right' in Great Britain. Nationalist, anti-Semitic and fascist movements from the late 19th century to 1945"; completion of the doctorate on 19 December 1989 with the grade "summa cum laude".
- July 1986: Completion of the First State Examination for Teacher Training in Secondary Education
- October 1982-June 1983: Studied History and English Language and Literature at Wadham College (University of Oxford) as a DAAD scholarship holder
- October 1978-July 1982; October 1983-July 1986: Study of History (major) and English (minor) at Bielefeld University.
Courses in the Summer Semester 2022
- Der Holocaust in den Erinnerungskulturen in Europa seit 1945 (The Holocaust in the Memorial Cultures in Europe since 1945) - VVZ - Syllabus
- Die Demokratisierung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und die USA (The Democratization of the Federal Republic of Germany and the USA) - VVZ - Syllabus
- Flugterrorismus. Entführungen und Sicherheitsmaßnahmen im Luftverkehr von den späten 1960er Jahren bis „9/11“ (Aviation Terrorism. Airline Hijackings and Security Measures from the Late 1960s to "9/11") - VVZ - Syllabus
- Der Orient als Raum. Konzeptionen und Vorstellungen (The Orient. Conceptions and Ideas) - VVZ - Syllabus
Supervised Theses
International research projects
- Since 2019: German-Russian research project "Security and Humanity in the First World War. The Treatment of Civilian “Enemy Aliens” in the Belligerent States, 1914-1917" (together with Prof. Natalia Rostislavleva, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moskau; supported by the Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft und der Russian Foundation for Basic Research).
- 2011-2014: German-Norwegian research project "The Controversial Memory" (together with Prof. Dr. Odd-Bjørn Fure, Norwegian Center for Studies of Holocaust and Religious Minorities, Oslo; supported by the E.ON Ruhrgas Scholarship Fund in the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft).
- 2011-2014: German-American research project "Philanthropic Societies and Civil Society in Cross-Border Relationships. Giving and Receiving in Germany from 1945 to 1990" (together with Prof. Dr. Gregory Witkowski, Ball State University, Indiana; sponsored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation as part of the Transcoop Programme).
- Since 2019: German-Russian research project "Security and Civil Society in Germany and in the Russian Tsarist Empire during World War I. Die Internierung ziviler Feindstaatenangehöriger im bilateralen Verhältnis, 1914-1917" (together with Prof. Natalia Rostislavleva, Russian State Humanities University, Moscow; funded by the German Research Foundation and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.
Fields of research and interest
- History of Great Britain in the 19th and 20th century
- Fascism in Europe
- Social History of the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR
- Democracy and Civil Society in West Germany in Transatlantic Relationship to the USA
- Europeans and cultural assets in the Middle and Far East
- methodological and theoretical problems of comparative and interdependent history of Europe
Conferences/Workshops (Auswahl)
As author and co-author
As editor
Edition of anthologies and journals