2022 |
نشأة الكتاب العربي (Arabic translation) by Ibrahim Alfraih. Riyadh: al-Mana. |
2020 |
The Rise of the Arabic Book. Boston: Harvard University Press. Turkish translation by Esma Yayla under contract. |
2015 |
The Life and Times of Abū Tammām by Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyā al-Ṣūlī preceded by al-Ṣūlī’s Epistle to Abū l-Layth Muzāḥim ibn Fātik, edition and translation Library of Arabic Literature. New York and London: New York University Press. |
2018 |
Paperback edition of the English translation: New York and London: New York Press. |
2003 2010 |
Medieval Arabic Praise Poetry: Ibn al-Rūmī and the Patron’s Redemption. London: RoutledgeCurzon. Paperback edition, London: Routledge. |
1993 |
The Development of the Arabic Scripts: From the Nabatean Era to the First Islamic Century. Harvard Semitic Studies 43, Atlanta: Scholars Press. |
2004 |
تاريخ الخطوط والكتابة العربية منالأنباط ألى بداية الإسلام Arabic translation by Sulṭān Maʿānī. Amman, Jordan: Bayt al-Anbāṭ. |