Meeting Rooms
The room management team at the department is in charge of the distribution of rooms in the new building „Kleine Fächer“. Please additionally reserve rooms using Evento.
In case you need certain teaching aids, please contact the staff of the central 'Medientechnik' (Habelschwerdter Allee). You can find a floor plan here. Note: To view the room numbers in the photo gallery, please click on the small 'i' in the upper left corner of the picture.
Equipment and Reservations
Floor |
Room |
m² |
Seats* |
Equipment |
Reservation |
basment level |
-1.1062 |
29,9 |
16 |
Beamer |
first floor |
0.1063 |
29,9 |
16 |
Beamer |
second floor |
1.1062 |
35,2 |
16 |
Beamer |
third floor |
2.2051 |
69,8 |
32 |
Beamer |
(* This is an estimated amount)
In case you are not in possession of a key to the rooms in this building (i.e. you are not a member of the teaching staff of the GeschKult Department), please contact the gatekeeper (K-Street, Silberlaube).
Please reserve the meeting rooms in advance using Evento.