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New Release: Costanza Coppini (2024): Tell Fekheriye Excavation Reports 2: Ceramic Sequence




The volume "The Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Ceramic Sequence at Tell Fekheriye (Syria)" has been published as volume 2 of the series "Tell Fekheriye Excavation Reports".


News from May 23, 2024

Volume 2 The Late Bronze and Early Iron Age Ceramic Sequence at Tell Fekheriye (Syria): New publication by Costanza Coppini, former research assistant at the Institute for Near Eastern Archeology at #fuberlin, now EC-Chronoi Fellow. The book appears in the Tell Fekheriye Excavation Reports series edited by Dominik Bonatz, Professor of the Institute for Near Eastern Archeology at FU Berlin, and Peter Bartl

From 2007 to 2010, the Institute of Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology of Freie Universität Berlin pursued excavations at Tell Fekheriye in Northeast Syria in cooperation with the Syrian Department of Antiquities and Museums and the Slovakian Archaeological and Historical Institute (SAHI). The importance and primary role of the site has always been emphasized in the research history of Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology. As known from excavations and written sources, the site was an important centre in the Mittani and the Middle Assyrian periods. However, a systematic study and analysis of the pottery has never been accomplished, although the material offers a local and regional perspective on the ceramic production of a Late Bronze Age urban centre. 

This book fills this gap, offering an insight into the pottery from the site. The material provides a crucial set of data from Northern Mesopotamia, shedding new light on the Late Bronze Age, and in the phase of power alternation between the Mittani Kingdom and the Middle Assyrian state. This work illustrates the chrono-typological changes in the ceramic assemblages and provides an analysis of the functions related to the ceramic vessels, in context with other findings (sealings). 

In the end, the analysis of ceramic material as a starting point leads the reader to the investigation of topics related to society and social behaviours, economy, and political assets and administration in this urban centre for roughly 300 years of its history.

The book is available here in e-book format https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783111075303/html



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