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MA Semitistik (until 2024/2025)


The consecutive master´s degree pro-gram conveys knowledge on the current state of research in Semitic Studies and deepens the knowledge of languages, cul-tures and history of societies in the Middle East acquired in the bachelor’s program. The master program is charac-terized by a range of studies on modern Semitic languages (esp. Arabic dialects, Neo-Aramaic and Hebrew) and their rela-tion to religious minorities, in particular the Christians of the Middle East.
Students will acquire comparative linguis-tic skills while working with different types of literary and oral samples of languages (including sacred texts, modern dialects and inscriptions). In addition, students are offered the possibility to study further classical Semitic languages such as Syriac, Arabic, Geez, Amharic, Phoenician and Mandaic.
An inter-/transdisciplinary area allows students to choose courses from neigh-boring fields.


Basic area

Interdisciplinary area

Consolidary area


Hebräische Sprache Ioder

Syrisch-Aramäisch I


Vergleichende Semitistik


Gewähltes Modul





Hebräische Sprache IIoder

Syrisch-Aramäisch II


Eines der folgenden Module:

Christlicher Orient in Geschichte und Gegenwart oder Judentum und Islamoder Jüdische Wissensgeschichteoder

Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte in der arabischen Welt10 LP

Gewähltes Modul


Zwei der folgenden Module: 

Arabische Sprachwissenschaft und Dialektologie 15 LP

Forschungsperspektiven der Semitistik 15 LP

Aramäische Sprachwissenschaft und Dialektologie 15 LP




Masterarbeit mit Präsentation der Ergebnisse 30 LP


The master’s degree qualifies graduates to carry out a variety of professions related to the Middle East. Amongst others, the fol-lowing professional fields may be consid-ered:
The federal foreign office, international organizations, non-governmental organi-zations, German branches of companies in the Middle East, public authorities, pol-icy counselling, media, publishing, muse-ums, adult education and training, institutions and organizations caring for migrants, refugee aid, tourism.
Graduates are qualified to take up doctoral studies in Semitic Studies or neighboring fields.

General forms and Applications (german)

Antrag auf Masterarbeit und ggf. mündliche Prüfung
Antrag auf Masterarbeit und ggf. mündliche Prüfung (ger/eng)
Antrag auf Studienabschluss im Masterstudiengang
Antrag auf Studienabschluss im Masterstudiengang (ger/eng)

Other Forms

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