Dr. Yulia Furman

Institute of Semitic Studies
DFG Project: East Syrian Historiography at the Dawn of Islam: Study and Digital Edition of “The Book of the Main Points” by John bar Penkaye
Room 0.1010
14195 Berlin
- Neo-Aramaic languages
- Syriac literature
- History of Aramaic languages
- Semitic languages
Articles/ book contributions
Furman Y., The Legend of the Egyptian King Arsanis. An Edition and Study of the Syriac Tour of Hell, in From Moscow to Baghdad: Studies on Middle Eastern Christianity in Memory of Nikolai Seleznyov / Eds. S. Minov and S. Loesov, Texts and Studies in Eastern Christianity, Brill, [forthcoming].
Furman Y., The End of Muʿāwiya’s Reign and that of the Whole World, or Why Write a Universal History Before the End of Times, in From Oriens Christianus to the Islamic Near East / Eds. M. Ulbricht and J. Scheiner, Bochumer Altertumswissenschaftliches Colloquium, [forthcoming].
Cherkashin D., Furman Y., “Superiority is due to us, and the king should come from among us”: The Arab conquests and conflicts of the early Umayyad era in a 7th-century Syriac universal history, [forthcoming].
Furman Y., “They did not let God become God Almighty, and they did not become a people to him”: Anti-Jewish Polemic in the 7th Century Universal History The Book of the Main Points [forthcoming].
Furman Y., Kuzin N., Demir G., ’Metran Isa! Do not stir up toruble, toruble is bad’: A Kurdish Folk Song through a Christian Lens, in Oral Tradition 35/2 (2022). P. 441-62.
Barsky E., Furman Y., Remarks on Selected Exponents of the 208-Swadesh List in Turoyo, in Studies in the Grammar and Lexicon of Neo-Aramaic/ Eds. G. Khan, P. Noorlander. Cambridge Semitic Languages and Cultures 5. Cambridge: University of Cambridge & Open Book Publishers, 2021. P. 353-386.
Furman Y., The Zuqnin Chronicle as Evidence of Vernacular Aramaic in 8th-Century Northern Mesopotamia, in Aramaic Studies 18.2 (2020). P. 240-267.
Barsky E., Furman Y., Loesov S., Two-Hundred-Word Swadesh List for a Modern Aramaic variety (Turoyo), in AULA ORIENTALIS 36.1 (2018). P. 75-110.
Furman Y., Supporters and Opponents of the Divine Providence in John bar Penkaye’s “Book of the Main Points”, in Christian Orient 8 (XIV) (2017). P. 339-360. [in Russian]
Furman Y., Loesov S. Five Essays in Lexical Interaction between Spoken Arabic and Turoyo, in Zeitschrift für Arabische Linguistik 63 (2016). P. 5-18.
Furman Y., Loesov S. Notes on Historical Morphology of Turoyo, in Babel und Bibel 9: Selected Papers Presented at the 6th Biennial Meeting of the International association for Comparative Semitics / Eds. L. Kogan, S. Loesov, N. Koslova, S. Tischenko. Winona Lake : Eisenbrauns, 2016. P. 37-53.
Furman Y., Bar Penkāyē and Alphons Mingana: The History of One Manuscript, in Источниковедениекультурных традиций Востока: гебраистика — эллинистика — сирология — славистика. Сборникнаучных статей в честь Е.Н. Мещерской. [Istochnikovedenie kulturnih tradicij Vostka: gebraistika – ellinistika – sirologija – slavistika. Sbornik naychnih statej v chest’ E.N. Mesherskoj] / Eds. K.A. Buettner, N.S. Smelova. St. Petersburg, 2016. P. 222-228. [in Russian]
Furman Y., Loesov S. Studies in the Turoyo Verb, in Neo-Aramaic in its Linguistic Context. Gorgias Press, 2015. P. 1-28.
Furman Y., The Concept of “Temporal World” in the Syriac Literature and John bar Penkaye’s “History”, in Вестник Российского Государственного Гуманитарного Университета (Серия « История. Филология. Культурология. Востоковедение») [Vestnik Rossijskogo Gosudarstvennogo Gumanitarnogo Universita (Series “History. Philology. Culurology. Oriental Studies”)] 3 (2015). P. 21-38. [in Russian]
Furman Y., The Origins of the Temporal World: The First Mēʾmrā of the Kṯāḇā d-rēš mellē of John bar Penkāyē, in Scrinium: Journal of Patrology and Critical Hagiography 10 (2014). P. 3-46.
Furman Y., Zeus, Artemis, Apollo: John bar Penkāyē on Ancient Myths and Cults, in Scrinium: Journal of Patrology and Critical Hagiography 10 (2014). P. 47-96.
Furman Y., Der erste Schöpfungstag und die „ersten Naturen“ in der „Geschichte der zeitlichen Welt“ von Johannes bar Penkaye, in Miscellanea Orientalia Christiana. Восточнохристианское разнообразие. [Miscellanea Orientalia Christiana. Vostochnohristianskoje raznoobrazije] / Eds. N.N. Seleznyov & Y.N. Arzhanov]. Moscow, 2014. P. 9-25. [in Russian]
Furman Y., John bar Penkaye and his “History”: Misinterpretations of the Author’s Name and the Title of his Main Work, in Вестник Российского Государственного Гуманитарного Университета (Серия «Востоковедение, африканистика») [Vestnik Rossijskogo Gosudarstvennogo Gumanitarnogo Universita (Series “Oriental Studies. African Studies”)] 100:20/12 (2012) P. 93–109. [in Russian]
Furman Y., The Persians and their Religion in the History of John bar Penkāyē, in Символ 61: Syriaca • Arabica • Iranica. [Simvol 61: Syriaca • Arabica • Iranica] / Eds. N.L. Muskhelishvili & N.N. Seleznyov. Paris–Moscow, 2012. P. 122–146. [in Russian]
Furman Y., The Chronicle of John bar Penkāyē on the Arab Conquests, in Символ 58: Syriaca et Arabica. [Simvol 58: Syriaca et Arabica] / Eds. N.L. Muskhelishvili & N.N. Seleznyov. Paris–Moscow, 2010. P. 365–385. [in Russian]
Furman Y. Review of Daniel King (ed.), The Syriac World. Routledge worlds. // Bryn Mawr Classical Review. 2019. Vol. 08. No. 60