Soner Barthoma M.A.

Seminar for Semitic and Arabic Studies
Aramaic Online Project
Researcher Aramaic Online Project
Fabeckstr. 23/25
Room 1.1006
14195 Berlin
Room 1.1006
14195 Berlin
Studium und akademische Qualifikation
2008-2010 | M.A. in Political Science with a specialization in European Policy, Stockholm University (Diploma obtained with distinction). |
2009 | M.A. Erasmus student at Leiden University, the Netherlands (one term). |
2007 | Second B.A. in Middle East and North Africa studies, Stockholm University. |
2007-2008 | B.A. in Political Science and International Relations, Stockholm University (Diploma obtained). |
Beruflicher Werdegang
2015-Present | Project co-coordinator of the Erasmus+ Aramaic Online Project, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter. |
2012-2014 | Project coordinator of the EU-funded EPIA project (Exchanging Best Practices in the Integration of Assyrians in Europe) at the Inanna Foundation. |
2013 | Project coordinator of the EU Grundtvig Workshop "The Transformation of Migrant Music: The case of Assyrian/Syriac Music" (3-7 July 2013, Netherlands). |
2011 | Project coordinator in the EU-funded project "An Intergenerational Approach to the Study of Genocide" (June 10-16, 2011, Netherlands). |
2010 | EU-Lifelong Learning Programme Grundtvig Assistant in the Netherlands (four months). |
2009 | Internship at the Swedish Parliament (four months). |
2007-2008 | Internship at Human Rights Without Fronties, Brussels (three months). |
2006-2007 | Project co-coordinator of the project"Promoting Democracy in the Organizations of Assyrians/Syriacs in Turkey" (funded by the Olof Palme International Centre, Sweden). |