Dr. Ayman Y. Atat (2020-2022)

Seminar für Semitistik und Arabistik
Fachrichtung Arabistik
Einstein Guest Researcher
ARABPHARMA: Arabic Pharmaceutical Manuscripts - a neglected field of study
14195 Berlin
Work Experience and Education
Since 2020: Einstein Guest Researcher at the Seminar for Semitic and Arabic Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
2017- 2020: Philipp Schwartz Fellow at the department for History of Science and Pharmacy, TU Braunschweig, Germany.
2014- 2017: Academic administrator and instructor at Beşikçizade Center for Medical Humanities, Istanbul, Turkey.
2014- 2016: Postdoctoral fellow at the department for History of Medicine and Ethics, Istanbul University, Turkey.
2012- 2014: Instructor at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Aleppo, Syria.
Jan 2014: PhD, History of Medical Science, University of Aleppo, Syria.
Sep. 2009: MSc, History of Medical Science, University of Aleppo, Syria.
Aug. 2003: BSc, Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Aleppo, Syria.
Some Conference papers and public talk
“Rawḍat al-ʿiṭr Manuscript: A Comparative Study between the Copies of Süleymaniye Library and Gotha Research Library” a lecture at Forschungszentrum Gotha, Gotha, 17 October 2019.
“The East Asian Imported Plants in the History of Arabic Medicine”, Materialities of Medical Culture in/between Europe and East Asia I: Towards a Global History of Drugs Conference, 4-5 July 2019, Braunschweig & Wolfenbüttel.
“Introduction to the study of Arabic medical manuscripts” a lecture at Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Berlin, 6 June 2019.
“Oxymel in Ottoman Pharmacy”, British Society for the History of Pharmacy Conference, 29-31 March 2019, Portsmouth.
“The Arabic Primary Sources in Medical History”, Medicines across Eurasia workshop, Nanyang Technological University 24-26 Jan. 2019, Singapore.
“The Transmission of Pharmaceutical Knowledge through Ibn Al-Bayṭār (13th Century)”, Drugs in the Medieval World (Ca. 1050–Ca. 1400) workshop, King's College London 6-7 December 2018, London.
“Databases as a potential method of studying medieval materia medica”, 6th European Congress of Medieval Studies, 2-5 September 2018, Basel.
“Plants for Treatment of Obesity and Emaciation in Ottoman Medicine”, Conference “Alte Medizin” 30 June - 1 July 2018, Mainz.
“Arabic medical manuscripts: Digitisation and cataloguing”, conference “17th seminar on the care and conservation on manuscript”, 11-13 Apr. 2018, Copenhagen.
“Dealing with Menstrual Disorders in Arabic/Ottoman Medicine”, conference “Gender(ed) Histories of Health, Healing and the Body, 1250-1550”, 25-26 Jan. 2018, Köln.
Winter 2020/2021
Arabische medizinische und pharmazeutische Handschriften (https://www.fu-berlin.de/vv/de/lv/620441?query=Atat&sm=580670 )
Zeit: Do: 10:00- 14:00 (Erster Termin 05.11.2020)
Research Interest
History of Arabic/Islamic medicine.
History of materia medica and pharmacy in Arabic civilization.
Studying and editing Arabic pharmaceutical & medical manuscripts.
Some Publications
A) Book
Atat, Ayman Yasin (2018): editing and commenting of Ḥasan al-ʻAṭṭār’s Manuscript “راحة الأبدان في نزهة الأذهان” [Rāḥat al-Abdān fi Nuzhat Al-Adhhān]. Dar al-kotob al-ilmiyah, Beirut.
B) Book Chapter
Atat, Ayman Yasin (2020): “Bathtubs as Therapeutic Devices in Fifteenth-Century Ottoman Medicine” in Sara Ritchey and Sharon Strocchia, eds. Gender, Health, and Healing, 1250-1550, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, pp: 245-64.
Atat, Ayman Yasin (2017): “Bioethics in the Arab Civilization after Islam” in Amir Muzur, Hans-Martin Sass, eds. 1926-2016 Fritz Jahr's Bioethics A Global Discourse, LIT Verlag, Zurich; 11-19.
C) Book Review
Atat, Ayman Yasin. (2019) “Müller, Juliane (Hg.): Nahrungsmittel in der arabischen Medizin. Das Kitāb al-Aġḏiya wa-l-ašriba des Nağīb ad-Dīn as-Samarqandī. 2017”. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung Vol 114 (3), 229-231.
Atat, Ayman Yasin. (2018). “Kahl, Oliver: The Sanskrit, Syriac and Persian Sources in the Comprehensive Book of Rhazes. 2015”. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung. Vol 113 (2): 163-165.
D) English Publications
Atat, Ayman Yasin (2019): “Topical Plants for Ophthalmological Diseases in Kitāb Al-Raḥma fi’l-Ṭib wa’l-Ḥikma” JISHIM [Journal of the International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine] vol.16-18: 56-64.
Atat, Ayman Yasin (2019): “The contents of Ḥasan al-ʻAṭṭār’s Manuscript (Rāḥat al-Abdān)”. JISHIM vol. 16-18: 65-71.
E) Arabic Publications
Atat, Ayman Yasin (2016): “دراسة استخدام حسن العطّار للأبيات الشعرية في مخطوطة راحة الأبدان في نُزْهَة الأذهان” [A study regarding the usage of Ḥasan al-Aṭṭār for poetic verses in manuscript (Rāḥat al-Abdān fi Nuzhat Al-Adhhān)]. Journal Afāq al-Thaqāfah wa-l-Turāth vol. 24, no. 95: 39-54.
Atat, Ayman Yasin (2016): “دراسة توثيق حسن العطار لمصادره الطبية في مخطوطة راحة الأبدان” [Study of documenting the medical sources of Ḥasan al-Aṭṭār in the manuscript “Rāḥat al-Abdān”] Journal Afāq al-Thaqāfah wa-l-Turāth vol. 24, no. 93: 156-174.
Atat, Ayman Yasin (2016): “نبات القريص في التراث الطبي العربي” [The Nettle Plant in the Arabic Medical Heritage] Journal Anthrubulujya al-adyan vol 19 Jan.: 11-39.
F) Conference Papers
“The Transmission of the Culture of Materia Medica around the Medieval Mediterranean”, Virtual International Medieval Congress vIMC, 6-10 July 2020, Leeds.