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New tutor for Islamic Studies/Arabic Studies/Semitic Studies

News from Apr 18, 2023

Dear Bachelor students,


My name is Joudy Sido Bozan, I am the  tutor for Arabic, Semitic, and Islam Studies. As for myself, I am currently pursuing my Master's degree in Arabic Studies.


I mainly supervise Bachelor's students starting from the 3rd semester. I provide support with questions concerning the preparation and structuring of seminar papers and BA theses as well as correct citation and transcription. Besides, I will gladly advise you on organizational issues such as certification, transfer and recognition of credit points, or Bachelor-to-Master transition. Apart from my consultation hours, I offer a tutorial once a week as well as aregular meeting for discussing you bachelor thesis. I am also there for you during the semester break!

For consultations please send me an e-mail and let me know in advance what exactly your question concerns - just contact me: j.sido.bozan@fu-berlin.de 

I look forward to our cooperation this semester!