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In memoriam Renate Jacobi (†)

News from Nov 20, 2023



فَثَمَّ وراءَ النقلِ عِلْمٌ يدِقُّ عن          مداركِ غاياتِ العقولِ السليمةِ

Denn jenseits der tradierten Lehren ist ein Wissen,
zu fein selbst für das äußerste Bemühen des gesunden Denkens.*



Honorary Professor Dr. Renate Jacobi

† 12. November 2023

Renate Jacobi was associated with the Seminar for Semitic and Arabic studies at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany for almost thirty years. From 2001 she taught here as Honorary Professor. Her habilitation thesis placed Arabic poetry at the centre of her scholarship: with her ground-breaking studies on pre-Islamic qaṣīda (قصيدة) she has fostered and transformed the research landscape of Arabic literary and cultural studies. 


Renate Jacobi taught how to think about an ongoing dialogue between literature and society, poetry and criticism, historical past and contemporary readings. She combined innovative literary theories with the study of early and classical Arabic literary heritage; the field of contemporary Arabic studies owes its decisive impulses to her. 


Her students and her colleagues will miss her. 

She was a teacher for all of us. 




Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Beatrice Gründler, Arabic Studies

Prof. Dr. Shabo Talay, Semitic Studies
Dean of the Faculty of History and Cultural Studies


* German translation by Renate Jacobi, in: Jacobi, R., Ibn-al Fāriḍ. Der Diwan. Berlin, 2012.