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The application period for a start in October 2025 runs from April 15 until August 15, 2025




For questions, or if you want to set up an appointment, please contact us by email at global-east-asia@geschkult.fu-berlin.de

Our program coordinator:

Susanne Ebermann

Freie Universität Berlin

Department of History and Cultural Studies

Hittorfstr. 18

14195 Berlin

Room 0.13

Tel. +49 30 838 75034

MAGEA in a Nutshell

What is MAGEA?

The MA Global East Asia (MAGEA) is a two-year consecutive, research-oriented, English taught master’s program.

What makes MAGEA special?

MAGEA’s classes provide a multi-layered and interdisciplinary perspective on the cultures, history, politics and societies of Korea, Japan and China. They are multi-layered, because they attend to the local, national, regional and global interconnections in and of East Asia. They are interdisciplinary, because they bring together Korean Studies, Japanese Studies, Chinese Studies, Political Science, Economics and Historical Studies. 

Is MAGEA right for you?

If you have studied Japan, Korea, China or East Asian Studies in your BA program and want to broaden your focus towards the regional level and its global embeddedness, you are right at MAGEA. If you have studied East Asia in your BA and want to focus your expertise on one or more of the region's countries, then you are also right at MAGEA. As a consecutive program, MAGEA brings together students with expertise in one single East Asian country or with regional expertise on East Asia.

Our Program

The MA Global East Asia’s program teaches you both discipline-specific and multidisciplinary theoretical and methodological competencies that enable you not only to address complex interdisciplinary issues but also to productively engage with the field of study of ‘global East Asia’ in its historical and contemporary development and to reflect on it from a comparative perspective.

In the course of the MAGEA program, you will acquire the necessary methodological, interdisciplinary and linguistic competencies for consciously dealing with your chosen focus country (China, Japan, Korea) and the entire region of East Asia and its global entanglements. By engaging with manifold source material on historical, political, economic, social, cultural and linguistic developments, you will strengthen both your intercultural competencies and your creative, independent and responsible action as well as your openness to issues of gender and diversity research. 

The successful completion of the MAGEA’s program qualifies you to take up doctoral studies and pursue an academic career as well as giving you access to other career pathways related to East Asia. The international orientation of the master's program provides you with excellent prospects on the international job market.

Admission to the MAGEA program always starts in the winter semester. In general, the application period runs from April 15 - Mai 31 of the year in which the studies are to be taken up.

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